Yuehua Yang

I graduated from Department of Computer Science, University of Montona with a Master degree. During my professional working areas, I have contributed to a numbers of large scale and industry-related projects and developed solid skills in Java, J2EE (EJB, Servlets, JDBC/ODBC), web programming (HTML, JavaScript, JSP, Struts, XML, IVR, WAP and SQL) and C++/C.

Chinese Art

Press here, you view some of Chinese drawings, photos, and writing art.

My Family

My wife, Xiaoping Wang, who graduated from University of Washington with a PH. D degree. You can check Wang's home page for more details.
My son, Jianqi Yang, is a 10th grade student. He likes playing piano,drawing and playing games. You can enjoy his world
My daughter, Lucy Yang, is lovely gril. You can enjoy some photos
