AlesoulLounmais: ::sits lazily by a tree near some water and a fresh victom he has drained::
Akari Chapelo: ::An eerie ubiquitous presence lingered sullenly about the area. A female of the kindred, a haughty, viciously one at that. An arrogant sigh withdrawn from those pallid tiers, all the while a pair of duel obsidian twins leveled on the man. Examining with less than poor interest, a rather distinctive growl emitted from within the maw..::
AlesoulLounmais: ::sits silently aware to the fact that she is near somewhere. He fears not though, and goes about reading his book or writting in his book on something::
AlesoulLounmais: ::closes his book and stands leaning against the tree:: why not come out, I know you are there
Akari Chapelo: ::However did the woman find herself in places such as these? Naturistic outdoors had suited perhaps a Warlock, however -- not this Elder. A rabble of sorts, having not a doubt in the world as to her full on capabilities, applying themselves in such a situation if been provoked. Still had been the vampire, seemingly a corpse whose aura had set a light out for late hours. That streamlined face and feminine visage suggested a deathly gaze. Appearing only to the fellow vampire's naked eye? Perhaps. If he had wanted her, he would have to find her..:: Anno.. ::That ever present voice rang out quietly, audible enough for just this being to catch..::
AlesoulLounmais: ::starts following the direction of where her voice came from being very quiet and listening to hear the slightest movement of her body or any paart of her::
Akari Chapelo: ::That ethereal face allowed somewhat of a charismatic gesture to fall forth.Yes, that's right, come hither..The word "Suffering" came to mind suddenly. A single, heavily booted foot shuffled, placing its sole upon the dirt paved ground. Tiny shards of dry leaves crunched beneath her step- as the vixen had arisen to a full stature.::
AlesoulLounmais: ::stops in his tracks as a fog rises aand he shifts to a creature of the sky flying to where she is and laanding on a thick limb and changing back to normal form watching her from the shadows of the thick leaves::
Akari Chapelo: ::A latent awareness about the man's position was soon acquired. For not a second had she blinked, nor taken her eyes from him. As to his current position, there had only been a hunch..Near. The miscreant adjusted her perspective, turning to a right profile and holding ground. A silken gown of black shifted at her ankles. Dare he approach? Or examination had been in tonight's agenda? Null and void had been her options of addressing this unknown being. . .::
AlesoulLounmais: ::slips silently down in front of her standing an easy 1' taller than she was, and built much bigger, his black hair sets off his pale complection and white clothing. His eyes hidden behind his white shades he glances at her up aand down, without a thought of danger to himself::
Akari Chapelo: ::Miscued had been his actions. Posing as a threat, he had not. Though the female's entire disposition had mutated completely. Narrow...oh, did those threateningly predatory eyes narrow. How vague he was to have approached her so suddenly. The male's size not phasing her thoughts of dominance in the least bit. Hopefully he had not under-estimated this one's strength..::
AlesoulLounmais: ::leans against the tree::do you so enjoy being the predator when one is trying to write and study?
Akari Chapelo: ::Mockingly, she had paid no attention to his questioning, but asked one of her own. Domineeringly she cocked her head to the side a bit. Those messily organized tendrils of deep blue followed, scattering into a horizontal wave..:: Do you so enjoy being the prey?
AlesoulLounmais: a born predator cannot be prey, m'lady::looks at her and removes his shades revealling his ice blue eyes with spades for pupils:: though depending on the type of prey you are talking about makes a different story
Akari Chapelo: Oh really? ::Though the point had been taken less seriously than he had most likely meant it to be taken, Akari smirked and gestured *delicately* with her right hand to perhaps explain further. There had been some sort of 'holier than thou' facade about her demeanor which may have annoyed one so easily. Was she to believe in self-superiority, better than all else? That had been the least case scenario, however an option..::
AlesoulLounmais: ::smirks::why do you prey on a kindred of your own kind?
Akari Chapelo: Whenever have I suggested such a thing? ::Tilting that arrogant head to the opposing side, both arms struck down, almost violently to her sides. That lithe form stood motionless afterwards, patience running thin. Akari had never been the easily amused type, and would soon depart from a dull scene once given the opportunity. Each and every muscle resembled a cat-like flexability, every slight movement graceful.::
AlesoulLounmais: ::shakes his head:: you didn't you implied it, my dear::he looks to the ground or so it looks his eyes resting on her legs and watching her muscles as his tense and ready to spring maybe to make for a more interesting night after all......::
Akari Chapelo: ::Exhaling a breath of unlife, for it hadn't been needed..Akari's gaze continuously followed his. Possibly..He had misunderstood her wording? Never through speaking had she implied carnivorous acts towards her own kind...Though she hadn't denied it, either. That frail -looking- form gently swayed to and fro as his eyes met her legs. A snear played across those lush, pale lips..That up-turned nose wrinkling in disgust as he eyed her..For it seemed he was. It made her simply want to slapmen when they had adverted their eyes to other places than her own gaze..::
AlesoulLounmais: by hiding out over here and not showing yourself you implied you were making prey of myself, would this not be incorrect? ::his eyes traailed up her legs to her waist them her stomache onto her bust, and finally back to her eyes, an apealling look in his eyes::
Akari Chapelo: ::Hiding? The word floated through her mind. Had she been hiding from him? Hardly. To perhaps a naive mortal happening to pass through such a 'wood'; though of course not hiding from her own kind. What need had it been for her to feed from one of the same kindred? Vile, crude, and just her style. A contemplation surrounded her thoughts..And what if she were to consistantly focus her gaze on his groin? She couldn't drop to such childish extremities.:: Incorrect. ::That thin neck jarred to the left, then right, each movement allowing a rather sickening crack to become audible..::
AlesoulLounmais: ::stands back up straight and watches her closely::
Akari Chapelo: ::Each facial feature became more apparent as time went on. Widening alert eyes of obsidian seemed to stare directly through the man. She hadn't even acquired his name..Or vice-versa. Turning on the heel of a booted foot, she came to face him, taking a single step closer. The shuffling and crunching of dead leaves and grass under her step. It had seemed as though they were both at a loss of words. Inquisitively she spoke out with a tone of clearness and self-reassurance.:: Might I inquire what you're thinking or plan on doing? Otherwise, you're in my way, anes.
AlesoulLounmais: well, I was thinking how good you look, and giving you my name, which by the way, I am Alesoul, and who might you be dear lovely one?
Akari Chapelo: ::A new debate gathered through that curious mind of hers. It was inevitable that she roll her eyes. A sign of disrespect towards him. Should he take it and be gentelmanly like? Or allow her to soon make a further mockery of him. She gave him a look over and a moment of silence set in. Twin onyx pools locked directly onto his own eyes. Challenging much?:: ...Akari. ::*Ahem*..She had cleared her throat..:: Akari Chapélo of the Yakshinian breed and Brujah clan.
AlesoulLounmais: ::shakes his head:: Lounmais is my last name of the Tremere clan breed is of no importants at this moment.....::relizes she is making a mockery of him:: figured you would be Brujah
Akari Chapelo: ::She smirked rebelliously, the corner of her right eye squinting a bit more than the other. It was wonderful that she had gotten her point across.:: Figured, hm? ::That slightly pink tongue snaked over the tip of a single fang as she grinned. Either arm wrapped about a side of her, the left around her front and right, around the back. Bowing as she increased introduction, the punkish vampire could not help but stay full of herself..::
AlesoulLounmais: you are a work of art, never in my years have I seen our kind so mean and hell bent against everyone even her own kind
Akari Chapelo: ::The vampire could not help but growl..For her hatred for mortals and even her own kind had grown over a few millenia which passed through her literally damned life. Growing to despise the ignorant, unintelligent beings which made it a living to annoy her through stupidity..:: I am truly hoping you have something which may explain your position in this situation, Tremere. ::She refered to him by clan, possibly suggesting her knowledge of that specific group having joined the Camarillia most recently..::
AlesoulLounmais: you cannot go around hating everyone forever, try and make friends, I offer my hand in friendship Akari::holding out his hand::
Akari Chapelo: Friendship? Friendship..? ::How disgusting was this? Had he honestly expected an individual such as her to accept a hand in friendship? That regal head shook slowly, obsidian eyes cast down.:: No.. All who gain such friendship as mine, somehow end up dead. Always.
AlesoulLounmais: I assure you I will not end up dead
Akari Chapelo: ::She shook her head once again in disbelief..Quietly, without a threatening movement of any sort, Akari turned her back to the man.::
AlesoulLounmais: people choose their own course, I will not push you into a friendship, therefore I bid thee farewell::walks passed her dropping his shades near her feet and heads back to his tree were his book is at::