NoelaniAsahi: *she saunters into the room, opening the taverns door then closing it afterwards. Taking small steps into the room, her bare feet make no sound on the wooden floor of the room. With her icy blue orbs gazing around the room, she makes her way to an empty table and sits herself down, instead of in a chair, she sits ontop of the table*
Akari Chapelo: ::The malicious sinner descended through an age old garden beneath towards the gaming. It was ghastly to watch it, the way she moved over the stones as if she did not even touch them, and the way that everything, even the wisps of her hair blown this way and that by the breeze, seemed somehow under her command. She could haved moved
Akari Chapelo: if to call out to the bird in a peaceful, angelic sense. For a moment, the vampire hesitated, a smile played across those lush pallid lips. Perhaps she was mildly entertained. If she was, then the tavern had served no use. Facinating the little animal to watch. Those obsidian eyes squinted; ethereal skin creased in tiny
Akari Chapelo: fragmented lines. Though it had come unexpectedly, the horrid series of movements. Those of undefinable gestures. The woman had in fact swept into the tree and smothered the raven between her hands. That deathly grasp squeezed the life from the quaint black bird. A trickle of crimson
Akari Chapelo: emitted from the side of its beak.:: Perfect.
NoelaniAsahi: *emiting a soft sigh, she glances down to the wooden floor below her, allowing her golden hair to fall carelessly into her face. The lighting of the tavern somewhat makes her hair look as if it was orange. Glancing up just a little, she peaks through her strands of hair to the people in the room with her*
NoelaniAsahi: *spite of bordom, with nothing to do, she spreads her teal butterfly-like wings to each side of her. Looking up all the way, she glances around the room, though not looking to anything in particular. With some of her hair fallen onto her face, she raises a hand and pulls her hair back behind her pointed ear*
NoelaniAsahi: *giving one more tired sigh, she jumps off of the table and stands there for a moment, thinking of what she wants to do. Looking towards the bar, she begins to saunter over to it, eventually reaching it where she jumps up onto a stool, then onto the counter where she sits*
Jessiah Ramsus: ::A dim beat rose in the rafters.. Something was awake, and hungry. Rising out of the shadows of a corner, Jessiah crawled across a beam in a very feral mannery.. down on hands and feet, his claws digging in and cracking the wood into small pieces. His eye were almost completely red, save the small black pupils in the centers. His hair was spread out and ragged.. not brushed and slightly tangled.
Jessiah Ramsus: A beat rang through his head and rattled his bones.. his heart running dry, needing a fresh supply of blood to quench it's thirst. This, obviously, provoked the darker side of Jessiah to emerge for a quick hunt..::
Akari Chapelo: ::She leant forward and kissed the blood on the open beak. It sent a zinging through all her limbs and the thirst leapt out for more. Frail fingers coiled about the dying raven's feathered body. Beneath that cruel shroud of blood had been the once living creature. The hatred of this feeling was over
Akari Chapelo: powering, though in a demonic sense had given her the feeling of superiority. The taste of blood andthe feel of blood, and what it meant for all passion, all greed to be sharpened in that one desire, and the one desire to be satisfied over and over with the feeding and the death. A low emitting hiss rang through her maw, calling out to the night.::
NoelaniAsahi: *still keeping her place sitting at the bar, her cerulean eyes gazed over to the entrance where Jessiah had walked in, though he seemed different somehow...*
Jessiah Ramsus: ::Jessiah was torn in two.. his "sane" side taking hold to whatever it could to save this vessel from being taken over by the Beast. In and out, he drifted between the two. He quickly took control of himself, putting down the Beast. He was slowly becoming better at this.. learning to control the rage for his own purposes.
Jessiah Ramsus: But this did not stop the burning dryness that was his thirst for blood. His whole body ached from waves of pain that washed over his body with each movement. Slightly off balance, Jessiah slid down a rafter support to the floor level.. Taking a glimpse around.
Jessiah Ramsus: Nothing interesting yet.. He brushed himself off and ran his fingers through his hair to comb as best as he could. Grabbing an empty beer bottle as a prop, he walked to an empty table and took a seat. Walking rather heavily, like a human.. His glance was constantly at the door, or the inhabitants, or as a ploy.. his empty bottle of beer::
Akari Chapelo: ::An orange tinted tallow candel fell from the window sill behind Noelani. Yes, the vampire had entered quietly through a back window, scaling the darkened side of the walls. This distinctive scent of foreign blood retched through the air. An ever more challenging call was presented. The pain of this thirst
Akari Chapelo: seemed to eat at her. The shattered window bear fragments of glass. The nature of this thirst was like no other. Sleek, eloquent...Hovering quietly, mere feet from the Elf being, Akari sent a breath of cold air down the girl's neck..::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::He peered over at Akari.. "Fuck..", he thought to himself.. "She always had the better eye for food.." Jessiah narrowed his eyes and concentrated with whatever power he had left..An invisble tongue, or appendage, striking out at Akari with a small nudge.. To catch her attention.
Jessiah Ramsus: "You are going to leave some for me, right..?" The words flew from his mind to Akari.. an evil, almost mocking grin spread out across his face as he sent his message.. wondering to himself what kinda of witty response Akari would have for him this time..::
lXx Mass xXl: ::The creature ascended from the sky, it's three talons hooked onto the earth as it landed leaving deep gashes in the soil. The grass up rooted between it's massive sickle claws. They long sickle claws on t's wings rattled together as the opened. It took a step forward as it curled it foot so it walked on the top of it's toes, then took another step in the same fashion. It's wings bowed back then settled into a rest position,-
lXx Mass xXl: - the thick leathery skin of the wings creased, making many curtain-like folds between the gangly bones that ran beneath them. Long spines rand down the back of these wing bones and long spikes hung from their ends. It tail waved over the ground, in a hard exoskeleton and at the end in a wide, slender blade. -
lXx Mass xXl: - Long trails of crimson ran down it's long, angled gullet, sulfurous fumes escaped its nostrils, the hissed forth with every exhale of the beast. It's drab green scales were diamond shaped dark edges of black. They were scalloped on the surface, like the undulations of a-.
lXx Mass xXl: -pond's smooth surface after a stone had been cast in. From his back was many serrated blades curving back and into the air. It's head had a set of thick horns laying back behind it. They had a jagged spine hanging from beneath them like a whaling spear of old. With heavy exhales it's wings opened and with a flash he lifted into the air-

lXx Mass xXl: - the up rooted soil blew away as it rose into the air. Its tail swung about as it looked around, to its right is saw a golden bird fly by, and it a flash it was upon it. A talon lashed at it, spearing into it as it's other talons enveloped it. It brought it foot up and picked the bird out of it's talons into it mouth. It's serrated teeth tore through it as it feed-

lXx Mass xXl: -It's azure eyes flashed a golden light as it shifted it's motion sensitive eye sight to a infra-red type of sight. Immediately all kinds of things appears in its sight. It picked up a large amount of heat coming from a tavern below it. It's wings closed slightly as it dived down at it. Just above the room it's wings flashed open stopping it. The wind followed it down and blew away -
lXx Mass xXl: -shingles. It's talons latched onto the room, wood splintering beneath it as it stood there.::
Akari Chapelo: ::Ah, but of course..In all actuallity Jessiah has known full well of her schemes and cocky behavior. An over all mocking smirk repeated itself over her lovely little features. The message echoed in her mind, somewhat disrupting mutual concentration.
Akari Chapelo: Horrid was the look that displayed at first. Talk about the political voices surrounding your thoughts; dwelling amongst your head. Almost a grimace was this, and silently, a brief glance was given from over the Elf's shoulder towards Jessiah. A simple expression suggesting "How am I to benefit?" Each
Akari Chapelo: expression decreased as the profound, "And don't you do that again.." resounded. Again the glance was traced back to this clueless little female [Noelani] Instantaneously her arms crossed behind the elf's narrow front. She was holding her. Holding
Akari Chapelo: her off her feet now. Suspending the tiny thing from the ground with supurb effortlessness. The thirst wanted her heart..A devilish stare was given to Jessiah as she'd made one final gesture of.. "Come and get it"::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::His eyes narrowed even farther as he grinned at Akari... "If only you were human..", he said to her to finish the "convo". Quickly, Jessiah rose to his feet and straightened out his clothes.. and with quick, light steps Jessiah walked to the meal being presented.
Jessiah Ramsus: He stopped at one side, leaving the other for Akari and scanned over the elf's neck.. Looking for a nice large protruding vein..Spotting a well enough one, Jessiah abruptly dove in and began his feast. Rubbing his face in the now open wound, practically bathing in it.
Jessiah Ramsus: But still getting enough out of it to sustain himself for a day or two..Still leaving the other side open for Akari::
lXx Mass xXl: ::Its nostrils flared, it sniffed the air. It happily found a scent it loved, the saliva filled it's gullet and ran off it's chin. The morsels he smelled, he lusted for their flavor, he needed to feel their soft flesh with in his mouth. Their remains dancing on his tongue. It smelled it's favored meal, the smell of an undead, the scent of blood lusting animals, a vampire.-
lXx Mass xXl: - It's wings closes as it raced around the room's exterior to a window, it's talons hung onto the outside of the room as it found were scent was originating. It would have remained unseen it's it's eye hadn't flashed red while's it's view changes to a black and white animalistic vision. It peered in at the two creatures-

lXx Mass xXl: -both about to sate themselves on a small creature. He's lips curled back, it's yellow serrated teeth bared, saliva ran off it's gullet onto the ground below. It clung to the wall watching and waiting for the vampires to not pay attention, watching for the chance to tear into -
lXx Mass xXl: -one and feast. It could barely stand the agonizing time to get one of them. It's shoulders bobbed as it gauged how to be upon them, snapping up their flesh, feeding unpinned their bodies.
Akari Chapelo: ::Twisted, a grin sparkled protruding fangs..She held the elf forcing it from the floor. The wings had been constrained against her chest, preventing flight to occur. The elf's hair had been temporarily in the way of her neck. Delicately, Akari had brushed it to the side and jetting up into the current came the
Akari Chapelo: thirst, not obliterating but heating every concept of her, until she was flesh and blood. An insignificant meal. Everything under the cruel pressure of Akari's fingers, and over her lips everything she had desired was clenched between her arms. She drove her teeth into Noelani's neck, taking note that Jessiah
Akari Chapelo: had been on just the other side..The elf's death would come twice as quickly. Sharing was such a drag..Though Jessiah's complexion had been by far worse than her own. She felt her mouth grow wide to catch the hot flood when it came. The elf's heart and soul split open as Akari had indulged in utter
Akari Chapelo: splendor::
lXx Mass xXl: ::A slender long tongue rolled across it's lips as it watched, watery saliva ran across it's scaley lips falling off onto the ground. It whimpered so badly wanting just to have at least a ounce of their flesh. It's claws dug into the wall around, the wood splintered on the inside of the room were it was outside. It's claws had silently punctured though them into the room.-
lXx Mass xXl: - It's whisked over to with to the other side, the lack of moonlight allowing it to move nearly completely unseen. It then went back to watching the vampires like a cat watching a goldfish in a aquarium::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::He broke free from the wound as he heard the heart slow, leaving the rest for Akari.. being that it was her catch after all. After a few licks at his lips, he a practically limp arm of the elf to wipe off his mouth:: Don't want to get any on the shirt..
Jessiah Ramsus: ::Throwing the now cold arm down, Jessiah gave a quick smile to Akari and again retreated to his table..Watching Akari finish up the meal::
Akari Chapelo: ::With a heaving over-dramatized gasp of air, she had forced herself to detatch from the Elf's neck. That regal head of blue leaned backwards, obsidian eyes closing in pure bliss. The entire lower portion of the vampire's face had been covered, dripping in crimson. A malicious growl came forth, as Akari's mouth hung open..straining for more. No. She'd
Akari Chapelo: stop now. Before the heart..In a carelessness beyond the normal, Akari had withdrawn her arms from around the creature, allowing it to collapse floorside in a pile of stained wings and darkened skin. *Ugh...Just what I needed..* A satisfied grin of fangs as she turned to the side. Those frail limbs
Akari Chapelo: positioned in an awkward way, as if she'd still been holding something which was of emence weight::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::The Beast was completely out of mind, now. No longer biting at the heels of his sanity and twisting his words and motions slightly. With the hunger subdued, Jessiah knew he would quickly become bored unless an opportunity presented itself, so... in the mean time, why not play with sharp objects?
Jessiah Ramsus: He reached down to the back of his calf and slipped out his small carving knife, spinning it around in his hand skillfully.. Watching himself do it with ease to pass a bit of time while Akari got herself in order::
lXx Mass xXl: ::With the shattering of the window the creature came in, in a fluid motion hitting the ground with it front talons with landing it's back talons and finally standing. It roared as it's wing unfrilled and opened menacingly. It's roar slowed to a hiss as it shoot a taloned hand out. -
lXx Mass xXl: -It struck the falling elf being that it saw the motion and hadn't switched to a more normal viewing apparatus. It's talons left a deep gash across the elf's side and arm. It hissed very enraged from it's flawed move and dugs into the ground with it's right taloned foot. -
lXx Mass xXl: - It's wings closed slowly as it measured up the vampire, and looked about for the other. It's azure eyes not finding anything because of no motion.::
Akari Chapelo: ::In order..Bah. When was the Yakshinian beauty not in order? Ready for anything. A sly grin remained, the coaxing blood ran through her, fulfilling that hunger..That aggrivating thirst. Giving the shriveled elf a look over, Akari had motioned her boot against it ever so slightly, and sent the
Akari Chapelo: crumpled thing sliding against the bar counter and into a small crevice beside the wall. Slick. The palms of each hand ran down sensually over an exquisit dress of silken onyx. Almost immediately after, there came a beaste of some sorts. She made no motion as it had gashed viciously into the elf. Minimal eye
Akari Chapelo: contact was given to Jessiah...*Jess...I have a rather distrought feeling about this one.* And back to the creature those obsidian eyes went. Not even the mere ripple of her dress was made. A contemplation of kicking the monster in his head passed through her head. Though a distinct feeling
Akari Chapelo: that she might lose a foot in the process could not help but linger..::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::He continued to spin around the blade in his hand.. Sending more thoughts to Akari.. A mischevious grin adorning his face this time.. "You only get that because you're a woman.. Look, he's run away... You talk as if you were afraid of the thing.." He quickly slammed the blade into the table top after finishing his line.
Jessiah Ramsus: He took another quick look over the room then rested his head in his arms, on the table.. while he waited for a response from Akari, if any response at all were to be given..::
Akari Chapelo: ::Not that there had been another single living creature in the rom as this time, Akari finally broke the irritating silence. It was rather annoying that Jessiah could seep into her brain like this. In all past experiences, she was told that vampires that bear mind reading capabilities could not read or interact
Akari Chapelo: through other vampire's minds unless they too had the gift. Reverting her head to the side with a slight cock, Akari hadn't even bothered to look at him again while he spoke to her. That male voice echoing.. Ugh. Staring about the room as each word had projected thoroughly, she just nod her head like
Akari Chapelo: some sort of defiant teenager being lectured by a parent. Yeah yeah yeah.. Whatever. Uh-huh. The knife slamming into the counter top was what got her attention. Barely.:: A little energetic, little one? ::She felt it was her damned-given right to address him this way. She was after all a good millenia or so
Akari Chapelo: older than him. Swaying a bit in her position, that dress caught motion along with her movements. Taunting him with the mere flick of a pinked tongue over a crimson stained fang..::
Jessiah Ramsus: Hmm.. Sorry if i'm mistaken.. But I don't think there is anything about me that is little. ::He showed a smirk for a second, then went back to his knife. Pulling it out of the wood, he went back to spinning it a bit, his glance drifting inbetween Akari and the knife..:: So you are saying I should call you old lady?
Akari Chapelo: That is entirely up to you, dear. ::A devilish smirk was given in return. That slender frame drifted towards him. Echoless..soundless..unaudible feet against the floor boards. As usual, there had been an increase in her heightened abilities of controlling weight and proportion. Silken tresses of blue slid
Akari Chapelo: over a powdery white colored shoulder. Streamlined was her skin, an enchanting aura, a silver-ish hue about those eyes as she leaned against the table. Palms pressed against the unpolished wood, fingers coiling about the underside of it. Each gaze adverted from either Jessiah's eyes or the
Akari Chapelo: knife.:: And yes. Your patients is quite little, boy.
Jessiah Ramsus: Oh.. I'm hurt.. The old street rat thinks lowly of me because of my age.. You're going to have to trust me, i'm in agony on the inside.. ::He spoke with an agitated chuckle, spinning the knife faster and faster after saying his part.. His jaw clenched tightly as he waited for another response.. and would not comment on the impatience.. since he knew he was::
Akari Chapelo: Name calling, already dear? ::She let out a brief laugh which had dripped with sarcasm. She knew exactly how to pin-point his faults. That royal finesse he drove on and over to its peak of uselessness. A hand extended and softly ascended from one side of his jawline, across his chin and lifting it slightly, and
Akari Chapelo: on over to the other. Almost examining his neck and face. Mothering, yet again. Akari withdrew her hand and licked her thumb and index fingers. Promptly bringing to his face again and wiping away dry blood from his previous meal away from his mouth and chin area. If he wanted to call her old lady and things such as that, she'd act that way. For
Akari Chapelo: she'd only called him such strange things because he was indeed, that way.::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::He let out a low grumble, pulling himself away from her every chance he had. He knew she knew his faults.. and she was just tearing right into them. No matter how stubborn Jessiah could be.. he still knew when he was defeated. So.. He gave up, his pride now smashed.. He lifted a hand and flicked off Akari, then laid his head in his arms.. on the table top::
Akari Chapelo: ::*Pathetic* She thought to her self a moment, watching this deranged display.. A six foot tall full grown, male vampire...Sobbing into his arms in the middle of a middle class bar. Thin digits twirled around his hair, straightening it from its previous state of dirty, un-combed appearance..Better.
Akari Chapelo: Stepping back to admire her non-existant work, Akari smiled. She knew full well she'd gotten to him. However..this was quite different, compared to the Jessiah she'd known in more intimate situations. A brief giggle, and Akari had leaned down, biting on his exposed cheek rather harshly.. That would surely
Akari Chapelo: get him to arouse in some sort of activity::