You have just entered room "The Arena."
Jessiah Ramsus: invited Xav...
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::A mist of black fog roles in and in the
middle a young woman appears dressed in all black with a
look about her that tells all that see her, she is not at all
Ang1e0fDarkness: i will
D Veldane: Thanks sita
Jessiah Ramsus: i might suck at this....
Akari Chapelo: ::Walks in...not feeling like making an
entrance...Look and the profile you all know her...She's got a
sadistic grin.::
Jessiah Ramsus: i gotta get used to your system
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::smiles you are welcome::
D Veldane: No problem
Akari Chapelo: Sita...spanish for...Sexy?
Jessiah Ramsus: Heh..
Akari Chapelo: ::Smirks::
D Veldane: Now let's warm up
Ang1e0fDarkness: i don't know i got it out of a book i liked
Akari Chapelo: Maybe I should go by my Japanese name...Sei
Ang1e0fDarkness: ((chris is afk for the moment))
Akari Chapelo: Yes, it means "sexy" in spanish.
Ang1e0fDarkness: cool it fits me then ::smiles::
Akari Chapelo: ::Smirks again...::
D Veldane: Ready Jared
Jessiah Ramsus: wait
Jessiah Ramsus: i need a countdown
Jessiah Ramsus: who wants to do it
D Veldane: Description is the key
Akari Chapelo: ::Mumbles...:: Jessiah's gonna get an ass
Jessiah Ramsus: Yeah
Jessiah Ramsus: Yeah
Jessiah Ramsus: i prolly am akari
Jessiah Ramsus: but only one way to find out
D Veldane: Not time
D Veldane: so take your time
Jessiah Ramsus: k
D Veldane: but be honest
Akari Chapelo: Ready...
Akari Chapelo: 3
Akari Chapelo: 2
Akari Chapelo: 1
D Veldane: this is a respectable art form...
Akari Chapelo: Okay...
Akari Chapelo: That didn't work
D Veldane: not for any moders or bad rpers
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::sits and watches D kill Jessiah::
D Veldane: I will givew you first strike
Akari Chapelo: See...when I say..."1" that's your cue to...go
Jessiah Ramsus: ......
Jessiah Ramsus: k
D Veldane: ::bows::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::bows..::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::drops into a fighting position::
Ang1e0fDarkness: k akari i think they are ready
Akari Chapelo: ::Slips on a black and whip striped t-shirt..::
Akari Chapelo: white*
Akari Chapelo: ack
D Veldane: ::stands motionless::
Akari Chapelo: 3
Akari Chapelo: 2
Akari Chapelo: 1
Jessiah Ramsus: someones thinking bad thoughts...
Jessiah Ramsus: ::lunges toward D, stretching his left fooot out
to strike him down to the ground with great propulsion from the
Jessiah Ramsus: *foot
D Veldane: ::takes the kick in the ribs and rolls backwards
only to roll out into a back handspring::
D Veldane: Nice... VEry nice
Jessiah Ramsus: ::stands back up, getting up from the knee he
landed on::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::steps around him warily....suspecting an
attack to come from him soon::
Xaver Condoin has entered the room.
Ang1e0fDarkness: welcome Xaver ::smiles::
D Veldane: ::LOoks him over carefully::
D Veldane: Let's see....
Xaver Condoin: ...
Jessiah Ramsus: and DONT kick me in the balls.....that's the
worse thing you could do..
Xaver Condoin: *Xaver loked confused*
Ang1e0fDarkness: D is fighting Jessiah
Ang1e0fDarkness: and he wanted you to come watch
Xaver Condoin: Great...
Xaver Condoin: *Xaver simply leaned against a wall, folded
his arms across his chest, and watched*
D Veldane: ::Dashes forward with great speed and dives
into a roll. As he comes round to his feet he leaps into the
air and planys an axe kick to Jareds left colar bone::
D Veldane: plants*
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he jerks to the ground quickly from the
attack, slamming down with great force::
Xaver Condoin: ((4 moves, one line..... Illegal.....))
Jessiah Ramsus: ::rolls over to his back::
AkashaTFV has entered the room.
Jessiah Ramsus: ::flips up to his feet::
D Veldane: ((Shut up Chris))
Xaver Condoin: ((Hahaha...))
D Veldane: ((ypu know not how we are fighting))
Xaver Condoin: ((My bad))
Ang1e0fDarkness: ((Laughs))
D Veldane: YOU*
Xaver Condoin: (Simming..))
Jessiah Ramsus: ::spins his body around positioning his foot high
enough to clip D's Jaw::
Xaver Condoin: (I know))
AkashaTFV: ::wanders in and sits down in a corner to
Jessiah Ramsus: ::the foot slams into his jaw with the force from
the spin::
Akari Chapelo: ::Sits down next to Akasha::
AkashaTFV: ::grins at Akari:: you escape evil L-sama
Xaver Condoin: *Xaver closed his eyes, and stepped form
the wall opening them again*
Akari Chapelo: Yes!
Jessiah Ramsus: ::jumps backwards after attacking
him....becoming prepared for retaliation...::
AkashaTFV: ::giggles:: electric collars....
D Veldane: ::spins around from the force of the blow and
wipes the blood from his mouth::
Akari Chapelo: ::Whispers:: Finally got that dominatric shock
collar off too..
Jessiah Ramsus: ::charges towards D, lowering his shoulder to
bring him down to the ground::
AkashaTFV: ::laughs her ass off:: How'd you manage that?
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::watches xaver::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::slams into his ribs, pushing him back as he
tackles him::
D Veldane: ((Not your attack))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( we have to take turns? ))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( >< ))
D Veldane: ((Turn base))
Akari Chapelo: ...::Looks over either shoulder, then back to
Akasha:: Crowbar
Jessiah Ramsus: (( k ))
D Veldane: ((wait up))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( i take that still were i was after i
attacked you ))
D Veldane: ((I will go with this))
D Veldane: ((be charging))
AkashaTFV: ::sniggers:: Remind me not to save you again..I
thought she was joking when she said she'd put one on me
Jessiah Ramsus: (( na....just take your turn on attacking ))
Akari Chapelo: Not at all...She tried to have sex with me
D Veldane: ((fine))
AkashaTFV: I don't like getting my ass slapped with
Xaver Condoin: ...
AkashaTFV: Thats evil!
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::she steps close to Xaver::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he circled around D cautiously.....waiting for
Xaver Condoin: *Xaver shifted his gaze to Akari just
catching something a bit.. odd maybe*
D Veldane: ::Stares at Jared and focuses::
Xaver Condoin: The hell...?
Akari Chapelo: Sorry, I'm strictly heterosexual...
AkashaTFV: Akari didn't she have Kei with her?
D Veldane: ::A small smile appears on his lips::
Akari Chapelo: ::Homophobic::
AkashaTFV: hehehe
Xaver Condoin: *He shook his head, then looked over to
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::smiles at him:
Ang1e0fDarkness: :*
Ang1e0fDarkness: hello
Akari Chapelo: Yes, she had Kei with her..
Xaver Condoin: *He almost smiled, but wasnt in the mood*
Good afternoon.
AkashaTFV: Omg....a threesome?
Akari Chapelo: Four.
D Veldane: ::With a mysterious ease, Demetri shoots a bolt
of lighting out of his palm and straight through Jared::
AkashaTFV: I haven't had one of those for a few weeks....
Jessiah Ramsus: (( L-sama tried to cyber with me!! >< ))
Ang1e0fDarkness: it will be later ::smiles::
AkashaTFV: ::smirks::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he flies back, slamming into a nearby walla
from the attack::
Akari Chapelo: ::Still an innocent little virgin- smirks::
Jessiah Ramsus: (( now she's pissed because i didnt want to
with her ))
AkashaTFV: mun was in a sandwhich a couple
of days ago....
AkashaTFV: ::smirks::
Jessiah Ramsus: *wall
Akari Chapelo: Walla walla...
Jessiah Ramsus: ::picks himself grouping after the
attack..putting his foucus back onto D::
AkashaTFV: You seen Nakey Slaine?
Akari Chapelo: Me?...I;ve seen several naked men...I don't
think I've seen Slaine though.
AkashaTFV: ::giggles:: he's fun....
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he runs at D at full speed....jumping up in the
air right infront of him...then he swung his foot from behind himself
straight at D's face....snapping his heel right into D's nose and after
planting the heel kick lands on his left knee::
AkashaTFV: mun was with him a while
Akari Chapelo: Jessiah went streaking in the room
AkashaTFV: !!!
Jessiah Ramsus: (( :-P ))
AkashaTFV: Ew!!
Akari Chapelo: Yeah
Xaver Condoin: *A bit confused by Angles comment*
Jessiah Ramsus: (( HEY!!! not ew! ))
Xaver Condoin: Why do you saay that?
Jessiah Ramsus: (( :-( ))
Akari Chapelo: That's...just about my response.
Xaver Condoin: (Sorry indisposed for a moment)
AkashaTFV: Sicky....::pulls many faces::
Ang1e0fDarkness: ((adam?))
Akari Chapelo: ::Copies Akasha's behavior::
Xaver Condoin: ((Shhh..))
Jessiah Ramsus: ::backs up after planting his heel strongly on
D's nose...::
Ang1e0fDarkness: ((yes sir))
Xaver Condoin: ((No, wasnt paying attention. lol))
AkashaTFV: ::tried not to laugh too much::
D Veldane: ::Expecting him to run forward... Demetri easily
steps to the side and avoids the attack::
Xaver Condoin: ((Sorry...))
Jessiah Ramsus: ><
Jessiah Ramsus: damnit
D Veldane: ((I was actually expecting that))
Ang1e0fDarkness: ((ohh ok i just ment is adam still
AkashaTFV: Seeing my son naked....horrible thought
Jessiah Ramsus: (( i knew you probably were...))
AkashaTFV: ::can't help but giggle::
Akari Chapelo: Jessiah is your son?
AkashaTFV: noooo
Akari Chapelo: ::Ker-blink::
AkashaTFV: thank God
Jessiah Ramsus: Metaphorrically
Jessiah Ramsus: ><
AkashaTFV: hehe
Jessiah Ramsus: she isnt my actual mom
AkashaTFV: he told me he sees me as a mother figure
Jessiah Ramsus: my mom is dead
Akari Chapelo: Yesh, I would kill myself if he was..::gags:: my
Jessiah Ramsus: DUH
Jessiah Ramsus: i killed her
AkashaTFV: damn that made me feel old
Jessiah Ramsus: ::shakes his head::
Jessiah Ramsus: lol
Akari Chapelo: Dem...your turn
Jessiah Ramsus: scared.....:-(
Jessiah Ramsus: heh
Xaver Condoin: *Getting rather bored Xaver slid down the
wall, and closed his eyes*
Akari Chapelo: You should be
AkashaTFV: ::sighs and leans back against the wall with her
arms folded across her chest::
Jessiah Ramsus: i already got most of this planned out...
Akari Chapelo: C&P?
Jessiah Ramsus: i was expecting it to be fast paced....
Jessiah Ramsus: ><
Akari Chapelo: Cheater..
Jessiah Ramsus: No
AkashaTFV: Poor Jess....
Jessiah Ramsus: no C&P
Jessiah Ramsus: im saying...i planned ahead on what im going
to do
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::smiles and kisses Xaver for the fun of
it and so he wont be bord now::
D Veldane: ::Grabs a hold of jared by his shirt and pulls him
down to eye level and executes a head butt to the bridge of
Jareds Nose::
Xaver Condoin: .. *His eyes snap open* The hell are you
doing female?
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::giggles:: having fun
Xaver Condoin: *Xaver didn't generally kiss on the first
date.. But, still this sure as hell was no date...*
Akari Chapelo: Owie...::She closes her eyes tightly at the head
butt...:: That hurts yo watch...
Akari Chapelo: to*
AkashaTFV: ::steals the bootlace from Akari's boot and
chews it...because she's hungry and there are no meal
Xaver Condoin: ((Oh by the wya honey, Xaver isn't really
into all that lovey stuff.))
Xaver Condoin: ((People always think hes so nice, the hell
is wrong with everyone, he's not suposed ot be!))
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he jerks his head back before he lands it...but
still taking the beadbutt the the right side of his collar bone he
screams out in pain ( FUCK!!! )::
Akari Chapelo: ...::Looks over at Akasha curiously::
Ang1e0fDarkness: ((i know i said she did it for fun and to
make it so he is not bord))
Akari Chapelo: My boot lace!
Akari Chapelo: ::Grabs it from her mouth::
Akari Chapelo: ::grab::
AkashaTFV: ::smirks:: !!!
AkashaTFV: hey!
Akari Chapelo: ::Chews on it herself....::
AkashaTFV: ::catches the other end and chews that::
AkashaTFV: ::cheweth::
Akari Chapelo: Hee hee.
AkashaTFV: ;:grins::
Xaver Condoin: ((Maybe I should bring Seifer in here...
Maybe not....))
AkashaTFV: ((...did I eat him once?))
Akari Chapelo: ::Re-laces her boot::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::after taking the strike he retalliates with a
strong back flip....both of his feet flips upwards and smack D
strongly in the jaw....::
Xaver Condoin: ((Err.... The BadazzSeifer.. you did))
Jessiah Ramsus: *flip
AkashaTFV: ((...sucha bad mem...))
Xaver Condoin: ((He was a bit subdued for a while..))
AkashaTFV: ((hehehe))
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he lands on both feet....keeping his eyes on D
at all times::
D Veldane: ::Flips head over heels and lands on his
D Veldane: ::Looks up:: I thought you were going to punch
me... Nice
Jessiah Ramsus: Heh
Xaver Condoin: Hmm.
Jessiah Ramsus: Thanks
AkashaTFV: ::having no bootlace to chew she looks around
for something else::
Xaver Condoin: *xaver rose to his feet, and drew his
D Veldane: ::raises to his feet::
Akari Chapelo: ::Reaches smugly into her front pocket and pulls
out a pair of small brown mice::
AkashaTFV: !!!
AkashaTFV: Mice..Akari sick
Jessiah Ramsus: >< mice...
Jessiah Ramsus: nasty..
Akari Chapelo: ::Smirks:: Why not?
AkashaTFV: they taste disgusting
AkashaTFV: I'd rather eat...Jess than mice
D Veldane: ::Looks straight into Jareds eyes and glances
off quickley::
AkashaTFV: and he tastes bad
Akari Chapelo: Not with hot sauce...
Jessiah Ramsus: You could atleast have the decency to eat
them when we arent around
D Veldane: Ready???
Jessiah Ramsus: Hey!!
AkashaTFV: ::grins::
Jessiah Ramsus: Ready
AkashaTFV: sorry
D Veldane: Are you sure???
Akari Chapelo: Remember Khay?
Jessiah Ramsus: ::prepares himself for a large on-coming
Jessiah Ramsus: I'm sure...
Akari Chapelo: He ate mice all the time...
Xaver Condoin: *begins to wonder about the vampiric races
D Veldane: I learned this one from a....Friend
AkashaTFV: yup
Akari Chapelo: Had black teeth for it..
AkashaTFV: Mice get cold too fast
Jessiah Ramsus: yeah
Jessiah Ramsus: they do..
AkashaTFV: chickens are better
Ang1e0fDarkness: i am sane
Akari Chapelo: ::Toggles with the mice in her hands::
Ang1e0fDarkness: most of the time
AkashaTFV: if you have to eat an animal
Jessiah Ramsus: i prefer cats...
Jessiah Ramsus: sorry
Jessiah Ramsus: but i do
AkashaTFV: ugh
Jessiah Ramsus: Heh
Xaver Condoin: *Wonders how the hell Angel always reads
his thoughts*
Xaver Condoin: Angle*
Jessiah Ramsus: more blood inside cats...
AkashaTFV: I just eat people..if there are no people I starve
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::smiles:: ::she is mind reader::
Xaver Condoin: *Wonders how all these damn mindreaders
came about*
AkashaTFV: And the number of vampires around here these
Jessiah Ramsus: ><
AkashaTFV: meals left
Xaver Condoin: Grrrr..
Xaver Condoin: Son of a bitch!
Akari Chapelo: Ugh...don't remind me
Ang1e0fDarkness: ((it is Angel love but i can't spell for i
am dyslecic))
Xaver Condoin: Another one!
D Veldane: ::Backs up ten feet and smiles as he draws his
Akari Chapelo: I try my best to keep the population down
Xaver Condoin: *He slams his head into the wall*
AkashaTFV: I think I'm going to have to kill a few off
Jessiah Ramsus: We can use Weapons?
Jessiah Ramsus: damn...
AkashaTFV: we should start an extermination programme
Jessiah Ramsus: i shoulda brought Dhylec out awhile ago...
Xaver Condoin: Ugh..
Xaver Condoin: *Steps way from the wall*
Xaver Condoin: That was stupid..
Akari Chapelo: ::Extends her hand to Akasha:: Partners.
Xaver Condoin: I should have used my sword.....
AkashaTFV: ::rubs her hands together:: That would be
fun...haven't done that in a long tome
Jessiah Ramsus: I wanna Help, Kasha!!
AkashaTFV: ::shakes Akari's hand::
AkashaTFV: this is a girly thing Jess
Xaver Condoin: *Looks to Angle, and levels his sword at
her stomach*
Jessiah Ramsus: it is?
AkashaTFV: ::giggles::
AkashaTFV: yup
Jessiah Ramsus: killing vampires?
Ang1e0fDarkness: yes but you are a male so it is
understandable ::smiles::
Akari Chapelo: We could have our own ass guild!
AkashaTFV: Boys aren't tough enough
Jessiah Ramsus: WHAT!
AkashaTFV: lmao
Ang1e0fDarkness: go for it
Jessiah Ramsus: i can beat you Akasha
Ang1e0fDarkness: i like to die
Jessiah Ramsus: -.-
Akari Chapelo: No boys allowed!!!
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::smiles::
Xaver Condoin: *He narrowed his gaze*
Jessiah Ramsus: damnit
AkashaTFV: ::falls over on her back in hysterics::
Jessiah Ramsus: i wanna help.....
Xaver Condoin: Damn women..
Jessiah Ramsus: :-(
D Veldane: ::He charges forward and does a front flip over
Jared and lands on his feet. he then slices through a wooden
pillar sending part of the roof above Jared hurdling down
upon him::
AkashaTFV: I love teasing little Jess.....
Jessiah Ramsus: Oooooo Fuck me.....
Akari Chapelo: I do too...::Sniggers::
Jessiah Ramsus: ><
AkashaTFV: ::sighs and wipes a bloody tear from the corner
of her eye::
AkashaTFV: Who should our first target be?
Jessiah Ramsus: ::falls to the ground....large debree falling ontop
of him...::
Xaver Condoin: *He lowerd the sword, and pushedAngle to
the wall*
Ang1e0fDarkness: well? are you going to
Akari Chapelo: I really need to remember to feed... ::She shakes
her head::
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::is soprised::
AkashaTFV: me too.....
D Veldane: ((It is DEbris*)
D Veldane: )*
AkashaTFV: I was playing truth or dare yesterday
Jessiah Ramsus: (( >< get the idea.. ))
AkashaTFV: and I had to eat Mo
AkashaTFV: ugh
AkashaTFV: I hate eating girls
AkashaTFV: ::shudders::
Akari Chapelo: ::She begins to count on her fingers the days that
have gone by since she last fed...::
Akari Chapelo: ::Goes to her toes::
AkashaTFV: hehehe
Xaver Condoin: *Xaver then dropped the swprd on the
ground, and stepped closer to Angle, his eyes filled with a
dangerous hint of fire*
Jessiah Ramsus: ::a deep, low growl emerges frm underneath
the debris.....he screams out in anger as he jumps out from
it...emerging with now blood red eyes...::
AkashaTFV: shit on a fast?
Akari Chapelo: Erm. Now I know why I'm so cranky...
D Veldane: I think i made him mad...
AkashaTFV: ::grins:: You did....
AkashaTFV: yay
AkashaTFV: mad Jess
Akari Chapelo: Dem...
AkashaTFV: ::sits up to watch::
Akari Chapelo: Get out of the way
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he lunges at D.....but instead of jumping at
him and attacking he slides between his legs..emerging behind him
and snap heel kicking in the back of the skull::
AkashaTFV: ow...
Akari Chapelo: ::Is very familiar with Jessiah like this...::
Akari Chapelo: I shot him in the face yesterday...
D Veldane: ::falls forward in pain and slams into the
AkashaTFV: I haven't had a good fight since Vladimir....
Akari Chapelo: Not on purpose... ::Gives a sheepish grin::
Akari Chapelo: Shhh...::She brings a finger to her lips..::
Jessiah Ramsus: Sure akari....sure.....::peering at akari with his
blood red eyes::
AkashaTFV: of course not
Akari Chapelo: No talk about Vladmir...
AkashaTFV: !!
AkashaTFV: k....
AkashaTFV: ::is shushed::
Xaver Condoin: ...
AkashaTFV: ::whispers to Akari:: he tastes good...
Akari Chapelo: ::Whispers back:: I wouldn't know...but I think I
might try.
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::smiles:: umm hello
D Veldane: ::becomes enraged by the Name of his brother::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he steps back from Dem....his red eyes
keeping watch on D at all times...::
AkashaTFV: ::grins:: hehe, he bites back....
Jessiah Ramsus: awww he gonne go werewolf on me
Jessiah Ramsus: thanks alot you 2...
Akari Chapelo: Yer welcome
AkashaTFV: ::shrugs::
Jessiah Ramsus: ><
D Veldane: ::A low growl is heard coming from Demetri::
AkashaTFV: sorry
Akari Chapelo: ...::Leans back against the wall, sitting up::
Ang1e0fDarkness: can i help you Xaver ::smiles sweetly::
AkashaTFV: ::watches Demetri with a slight frown::
D Veldane: ::His body begins to transform::
Jessiah Ramsus: ><..
AkashaTFV: eek....
Jessiah Ramsus: ::sighs::
Xaver Condoin: *A slight smile adonred his lips, and he
looked at her curiously* Females.. Are so, confusing.
AkashaTFV: look out Jess
Jessiah Ramsus: i know i know..
Akari Chapelo: Jessiah...can't you change as well?
Jessiah Ramsus: Yeah...
Jessiah Ramsus: but im not
Akari Chapelo: ::Shakes her head:: Both werewolves...
Xaver Condoin: *Xaver pressed his lips to Angles, his right
hand caressing her cheek, and his left slipping behind her
to pin her to him as he had her trapped against the wall*
D Veldane: ::Hair sprouts out from his pores, adn his bones
begin to restructure::
AkashaTFV: ::twists around so that she's sitting in a crouch,
leaning on the glistening six foot steel blade of her
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::very surprised but kisses him back::
D Veldane: ::His claws sink into the ground::
AkashaTFV: ::looks down at Akari:: You think we pissed him
Akari Chapelo: ::Shrugs::
Akari Chapelo: Perhaps...
Jessiah Ramsus: ::lowers his head...letting his arms hang
loose....preparing for an onslaught..::
Xaver Condoin: *Xaver moved away, breaking the kiss, and
exhaled gently* Is that what you were looking for Angle?
D Veldane: ::A bright light consumes him and when it fades
Demetri stand fully transformed::
Ang1e0fDarkness: :;smiles:: very good kisser you are
D Veldane: Let's play...
Jessiah Ramsus: M'kay
Akari Chapelo: ::Contemplates petting the huge puppy::
AkashaTFV: ::sighs and stands up now, green eyes glowing
gently as she twists a strand of pale hair around her finger::
Jessiah Ramsus: not a smart idea......funny....but not smart
AkashaTFV: Someone like mister macky
Xaver Condoin: Demetri Veldane... *Xaver turned to face
him* Don't kill this one.
D Veldane: ::citrcles Jared like the prey he is::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::stands up straight....keeping his eyes on D
only when he passes infront of him::
AkashaTFV: ::leans her sword against the wall and starts
braiding Akari's hair::
Ang1e0fDarkness: ohh why not Xaver?
D Veldane: ::He licks his gargantuan insisors slowly, saliva
dripping from his jaws::
Akari Chapelo: ...::With a stern look on her face she looks over
at Demetri...::What did I ask you? Do not kill my ex!!!
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he lowers his head and closes his
AkashaTFV: Aye...don't kill my little boy
Xaver Condoin: *He thought about it a moment* Well.. I
dont rightly have a reason.. So never mind I said that.
AkashaTFV: ::smirks and continues braiding::
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::she smiles at Xaver::
D Veldane: ::stands in front of him... now towering over
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::he is very cute::
Akari Chapelo: ::She slumps down a little, allowing Akasha to
braid her hair as she watches the two fighting::
D Veldane: ::he sniffs the air::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he doesnt look up at him....just keeps his
head lowered in preperation...::
D Veldane: VAmpires have alwyas been very tasty...
Xaver Condoin: *Xaver sighed, glanced to Angle, then
smirke d alil bit* Why are you still looking at me?
AkashaTFV: yup....
AkashaTFV: !!
AkashaTFV: hey!
Jessiah Ramsus: ....
Akari Chapelo: True that...
Ang1e0fDarkness: you are cute
AkashaTFV: ::sighs:: Aye it is.....
Ang1e0fDarkness: ::smiles at him::
D Veldane: ::he grabs Jared by the face and hurls him
through the air into a wall::
Xaver Condoin: I'm glad you feel that way.. I think I'm
average though.
AkashaTFV: Werewolves taste good too though...
AkashaTFV: have a slightly exotic taste
Ang1e0fDarkness: no you are very fine
D Veldane: ((remeber lat time akasha))
AkashaTFV: ::twists the braid up and pins it down::
D Veldane: Iast*
Ang1e0fDarkness: ALL of you is very nicely made from you
ass to your eyes
Xaver Condoin: *He closed his eyes, as an auara of
heavenly light embraced him, as the light disapated, a
DireHawk remained, and Condoin was gone*
AkashaTFV: (( ::thinks::.........weren't you allergic to vampire
Akari Chapelo: Foreign food...I should try that sometime...
Akari Chapelo: Last*
Xaver Condoin: ((Sorry honey... Xaver Hawk now..
Akari Chapelo: Remember*
Jessiah Ramsus: ::as he flies towards the wall...he sticks one
foot forewards towards the wall, it works as a slight spring and
forces me to the ground..rolling back towards D.....once he gets
close enough he raises his fist straight up into D....penetrating
under the rib cage and striking the bottom part of his lungs::
AkashaTFV: Just make sure they don't break your wings in
the process Akari
Akari Chapelo: ::Should really make a webster sn...::
Ang1e0fDarkness: ((that is ok where is my mother i want to
come see you))
Xaver Condoin: ((I deont know))
AkashaTFV: (( I got a nakey sn..just for the hell of it))
AkashaTFV: (( ::snigger:: ))
Akari Chapelo: ((Hee hee))
Xaver Condoin: *The Dire hawk lifted into the air and
circled the two combatants*
Akari Chapelo: ((I'd get one...but it might ruin my reputation as a
AkashaTFV: (( fun for use when violating Zoe..))
D Veldane: ::grabs a hold of his fist and crushes it like a
pop can::
Akari Chapelo: ((I got an OOC sn..))
Akari Chapelo: ((AnnoyingLilAkari))
Xaver Condoin: ((ANoying.. Heheheh.. *Wont comment*))
AkashaTFV: ((Get nakey Akari...hehe we could scare the
crap outta people))
Akari Chapelo: Oh fuck...::She watched Demetri slaughter
Ang1e0fDarkness: ((i have an ooc too))
Xaver Condoin: ((Not that Akri is annoying, but I can think
of things that are a lot more annoying than Akari))
Jessiah Ramsus: ::grits his teeth down.....taking the pain as his
eyes glow redder and redder as the pain becomes large enough
so he cant take it anymore....::
D Veldane: (( i got faster... and you did not improve in
D Veldane: ))*
Akari Chapelo: origonality*
AkashaTFV: ((bah.....originality))
AkashaTFV: ((......))
Xaver Condoin: ((Oh hell yeah.. Ill brb... I want ot play))
AkashaTFV: ((or something))
Akari Chapelo: ((Pwah...))
Xaver Condoin: ((Aww damn, never mind That guys all
ready dead..))
AkashaTFV: ((pah))
AkashaTFV: ((hehehehe))
Akari Chapelo: ((What should the name be?))
Akari Chapelo: ((Jah))
AkashaTFV: ((nah....just pah))
Akari Chapelo: ((What's yours?))
Jessiah Ramsus: ::screams out in he jumps upwards
slightly....swinging his feet at D....3 land on his chest...each higher
than the last one....than the strongest one of them all and the last
one lands straight on his nose....causing Jess to flip backwards
and land on his knee::
Akari Chapelo: ((::Needs to add it to her b/l:: ))
AkashaTFV: ((?? My what?))
Akari Chapelo: ((Sn for nakey))
AkashaTFV: ((Pahwrenchvampire..))
AkashaTFV: ((ooooooo))
AkashaTFV: ((Slaine made it for me))
Ang1e0fDarkness: ((well chris my mom should be here
soon so get off so i can call you i have to go watch jaden
until my mom comes back))
AkashaTFV: ((its Nakey Liz))
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he cradles his broken hand::
Jessiah Ramsus: fuck..
Akari Chapelo: ((Nakey Akari...))
AkashaTFV: ((hehe, nakey people are always fun))
Akari Chapelo: ((I'll make it later.))
AkashaTFV: ((nakey dancing....rotflmao))
Xaver Condoin: Ok... Ill be off late.
Akari Chapelo: ((Lmao))
Jessiah Ramsus: I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile
I will only complicate you. Trust in me and fall as well.I will find a
center in you. I will chew it up and leave,I will work to elevate
you just enough to bring you down......(( cant get this song outta
my head...>< ))
Xaver Condoin: ((I got to do somehting first.))
Xaver Condoin has left the room.
AkashaTFV: ((haven't done that for a while))
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he continues to cradle his broken hand in pain
as he watches Demetri::
Ang1e0fDarkness: ((bye tim and call me some time so we
can hang out please))
AkashaTFV: (pah....gonna have to do it now))
Akari Chapelo: ((Do...what))
D Veldane: ::head cranks to the side but he does not fall::
AkashaTFV: ((dancin' dear dancin'....))
Akari Chapelo: ((M'kay, will do))
AkashaTFV: (( ::jigs about a bit:: ))
Ang1e0fDarkness: ((ok tim will you?))
D Veldane: ::He looks back at Jared full of hatred::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::sighs...knowing that the chances are he cant
win this fight...::
Akari Chapelo: ((::Preforms and irish jig on the roof, while
playing the fiddle:: ))
Ang1e0fDarkness: ((i have to go now bye))
Ang1e0fDarkness has left the room.
D Veldane: ((will i what))
D Veldane: That was better
AkashaTFV: ((hehehe, gets out a flute and hops about with
Akari mun:: ))
Jessiah Ramsus: ...
AkashaTFV: ::*
Jessiah Ramsus: (( It's better than you 2 dancing naked >< ))
AkashaTFV: ((hey!!))
Akari Chapelo: ((What?!))
AkashaTFV: ((you be shushed))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( What? ))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( You heard me akari ))
Akari Chapelo: ((Dissing the nakey people?!))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( yeah ))
AkashaTFV: ((evil little....grrrr))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( awww...shucks...thanks Kasha ))
AkashaTFV: (( ::snarls:: ))
Akari Chapelo: ((stupid...little....brarrrrrr!!))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( <^> ))
AkashaTFV: ((br!!))
AkashaTFV: ((lmao))
AkashaTFV: ((Jess......your finger grew back?))
Akari Chapelo: ((I couldn't get anything else out...))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( yep :-P ))
Akari Chapelo: ((Several times...))
AkashaTFV: ((aw damn))
Akari Chapelo: ((And then I bit it off again))
AkashaTFV: ((gonna bite your butt.....))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( but i grew it back ))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( Nuuuu!! ))
AkashaTFV: ((lol))
AkashaTFV: (( ::licks her lips;: ))
AkashaTFV: ((do an L-sama and get out the whips))
AkashaTFV: ((muwahaha))
Akari Chapelo: ((heehee))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( Nuuu!!!....She tried to get me to cyber with
her >< now she's pissed at me because i wouldnt....or sumthin
like that.. ))
Akari Chapelo: ((Chips dips chains and whips...))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( >< ))
AkashaTFV: ((hehe, you angered the almight L-sama!!))
AkashaTFV: y*
D Veldane: ::He approaches calmly, almost methodically.
Suddenly he jumps up and forces all off his weight down
upon jareds knee::
Akari Chapelo: ((Psh...::Turns on some "mood music":: ))
D Veldane: of*
AkashaTFV: (( ::walks in with a whip, wearing a leather
corset and a thong:: Jess........))
Akari Chapelo: ((OMG...))
AkashaTFV: (( ::gringrin:: ))
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he rolls back...aware of the move he kicks his
right foot upwards....shoving it into D's ribs as his weight pushes
him down onto the attack::
AkashaTFV: (( ::cracks her whip at Jared's ass:: down on
your knees boy!!))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( OOooooo....kinky ))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( >< ))
AkashaTFV: (( hehehe))
Akari Chapelo: ((Lets not destract the poor boy..he's fighting))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( all you want... ))
Akari Chapelo: ((distract*))
AkashaTFV: ((I know sorry dear......))
AkashaTFV: (( ::turns the whip to Akari:: ))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( Nuu! you arent ditracting me >< ))
AkashaTFV: ((??))
Akari Chapelo: ((Ack...))
AkashaTFV: ((hehehehehe))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( typos...>< ))
AkashaTFV: ((jk dear))
AkashaTFV: ((g2g..c ya later everyone, bye))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( Bai ))
AkashaTFV has left the room.
D Veldane: ::He smirked slightly, as he landed short. He
used one pwerful paw to grasp Jared's leg. He brought up
one leg, in a high arch as he axe kicked Jared in the
Akari Chapelo: ::Leans against the wall tiredly::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::coughs up some blood as the leg slammed
into him....::
D Veldane: ::He released Jared's leg, and back
sommersaulted away, and to his feet, an evil grin on his
lupine face::
D Veldane: ::looks over to akari and grins::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he slowly re-groups and gets up to his
feet...his chest going up and down quickly...panting::
D Veldane: ::he returns his attention to Jared::
Jessiah Ramsus: Ooooo, you are so lucky we are doing this
your way....
Akari Chapelo: ::She crosses her arms lightly under her chest
and watches uneasily::
Jessiah Ramsus: i would have you down and out if it was my
Jessiah Ramsus: ::breathing heavily::
D Veldane: ::shrugs::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he slowly walks up to D weakly....his face
blank...showing no pain or any type of emotion ::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he baseball slides into D's right
shin....knocking him off balance...and as he falls he swing his
right hand into D's jaw...knocking him away::
Jessiah Ramsus: *swings
Akari Chapelo: ::Gets a look of complete dismay on her face as
she reaches down into her left boot, retrieving her impaling
D Veldane: ::lands on the ground on all fours, and takes a
minute to regroup::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he rolls to his right....away from D, he gets up
on his feet::
Jessiah Ramsus: Im surprised i made it this far
Akari Chapelo: ::She slid the blade of the dagger across her left
wrist..smiling sadistically as she always had while it bled down her
D Veldane: Don't worry.. it is almost over...
Jessiah Ramsus: ::Sighs..::
Jessiah Ramsus: then let's get it over with
D Veldane: ::stands up and walks forward::
D Veldane: Hey don't lose your head... wait a minute on
second thought. ::smiles::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he stands as straight up as he can....cradling
his left hand which was broken by D.....::
Akari Chapelo: ::Becoming creative she draws pictures on the
floor with her own blood::
Jessiah Ramsus: Heh...what's the picture..?
Akari Chapelo: ::The pictures slowly come out to be two stick
figure beating the shit out of the smaller one::
Jessiah Ramsus: ><
Jessiah Ramsus: <^>
Jessiah Ramsus: thanks alot for the moral support...
Akari Chapelo: ::Looks up from her drawing...:: No probby
Jessiah Ramsus: ::shakes his head::
Jessiah Ramsus: I blame this on you akari...
Jessiah Ramsus: heh
Jessiah Ramsus: j/k
D Veldane: ::Reaches out and grabs Jareds right arm and
pulls him in towards demetri's body, only to bring the arm
into his mammoth jaws. He then bites down, and nearly
through it as he shakes Jared violently before tossing him
Jessiah Ramsus: ::grits his teeth....not screaming....only
accepting the pain...not resisting..::
Akari Chapelo: ::Her eyes widen as she watches this...[O.O;] ::
D Veldane: ((you know what.. you have no arms to fight with
Jessiah Ramsus: (( i noticed....Heh.. ))
Akari Chapelo: ((FEET JARED! USE THE FEET))
Akari Chapelo: ((...use the force...))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( i cant win...but i dont wanna give up....not
like me to give up ))
D Veldane: ((then continue))
D Veldane: ((pwease))
Akari Chapelo: ((Jared...can you bob your head back and
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he gets up.....walking over to Demetri
Jessiah Ramsus: (( pretty sure... ))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( but let me try this first... ))
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he looks up at Demetri...his face blank....::
D Veldane: ::pats him on the head::
D Veldane: ::then Laughs::
Akari Chapelo: ...Bad move
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he swings his foot at D's legs....under his
center of gravity so he falls off balance....then he raises his other
foot and swings it into his left temple with all of his anger and
pain......All of it focused into that one attack::
Akari Chapelo: ::Slumps down into her corner::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he lays down on the ground....all of his energy
used up.....weak.....tired....::
D Veldane: ::spins around on the ground laughing even
though the attack hurt like hell::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::breathing heavily...:: what' funny..?
D Veldane: A cripled vamp just kicked me in the head how
Jessiah Ramsus: >< shut up....::panting for air::
Akari Chapelo:'re going to crippled for over a
Jessiah Ramsus: so how was i? keep in mind this is the first time
i've sparred like this
D Veldane: ::kipups off the ground::
Jessiah Ramsus: my legs arent arms are
Jessiah Ramsus: that's about it
D Veldane: Not done...
Jessiah Ramsus: ><
Jessiah Ramsus: damnit..
Jessiah Ramsus: fine.....get it over with...
Jessiah Ramsus: i bet he's gonna take care of the legs...
Jessiah Ramsus: or just kill me
Jessiah Ramsus: either one..
Akari Chapelo: Shh
Akari Chapelo: Get to your fucking feet, Jared!
Jessiah Ramsus: i dont run
Akari Chapelo: I don't care!
Jessiah Ramsus: ::sighs::
Jessiah Ramsus: No.....
D Veldane: ::runs forward and football punts him in the
crotch sending him 30 feet through the air and over two
rafters that look curiously like goal posts::
D Veldane: Come on....
D Veldane: Come on....
Jessiah Ramsus: ::hits the wall and falls down the the ground....::
Akari Chapelo: ((LMAO))
Jessiah Ramsus: ::looks over at D..::
D Veldane: Little to the left
D Veldane: ITS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
Akari Chapelo: OMG...
Jessiah Ramsus: You did not just hit me in the nuts....did you..?
D Veldane: ::Throwsw his arms up and the crowd cheers!!!::
Jessiah Ramsus: Did u just hit me in my nuts!?
Jessiah Ramsus: ><
D Veldane: ((you better be in pain))
Akari Chapelo: Oh my fucking god...::Brings her hand to her
mouth to keep from laughing::
D Veldane: ((yeah and sent you 30 feet))
Jessiah Ramsus: ::screams out in emerging from his
skin.....enveloping his body....his face stretches out of
proportion...his normal teeth changing to match his vampire
fangs.....his finger nail grow sharp and his bones reconstruct as
they re shape his body...::
Jessiah Ramsus: >< why the fuck did you have to kick me in
the crotch!?
Jessiah Ramsus: i told you not to
Akari Chapelo: ::Shakes her head in annoyance...:: I fear this will
be...a fight to the death?
Jessiah Ramsus: No...
Jessiah Ramsus: it wont...
Jessiah Ramsus: It better not be....we made an agreement..
Jessiah Ramsus: No Deaths..
D Veldane: It may be
D Veldane: If you get...
Jessiah Ramsus: I said a no death stipulation Dem...
D Veldane: ambitous
Jessiah Ramsus: i know when i cant win....but i dont quit
D Veldane: I know.....
D Veldane: do you
Jessiah Ramsus: it isnt my fault i're the one that
had to kick me in the nuts
D Veldane: ((if you became a werewolf... then you moded))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( how so? ))
D Veldane: ((i read your profile you said you are a vamp))
D Veldane: ((not a were))
Jessiah Ramsus: (( i am.....I'm Ilskharian... ))
Akari Chapelo: ((He's Ilskharian, Dem))
D Veldane: ((very well))
D Veldane: let's finish this....
D Veldane: NOW!!!!
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he charges at D.....swipping his hands at
D....rapidly attacking him...each attack higher than the
last....stopping at his neck::
Akari Chapelo: Claws paws...teeth and jaws
D Veldane: Your turn Desert-fish
D Veldane: ::Taking the blows with laughs as he collapses::
D Veldane: Feel better???
Jessiah Ramsus: ....a little...
D Veldane: Not for long
Jessiah Ramsus: but i can see im not gonna feel so good
D Veldane: ::Electricity fills the air making it hard to
breath. Sparks begin to shroud Demetri's body slowly
lifting him off of the ground. He hover's ten feet in the air
eyes still closed. Suddenly they snap open only to be
completely glowing a bright peircing white::
Akari Chapelo: ::She shields her eyes with the palms of her
hands, trying her best to watch the fight without being blinded::
D Veldane: Now this ends... ::he speaks with an almost
resonant tone::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::He watches D with a blank face.....then he
takes a deep breath and and exhales....returning to his normal
Jessiah Ramsus: .....
Jessiah Ramsus: ::lowers his head in patience::
D Veldane: ::consantrating Demetri focuses, searching for
the correct currnet of Jareds nervous system. Once he
finds it, Demetri begins to slow down all electrical currents
that surge through Jareds body::
D Veldane: ::Making it difficult to breathe, move, opr even
D Veldane: or*
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he stands still...his head lowered.....waiting...::
D Veldane: ::Returning to the ground he walks forward
towards Jared placing his paw around his throat and picking
him off the ground::
D Veldane: ((read up top carefully))
Akari Chapelo: ::She removes her hands from her eyes, adjusting
to the newer light, she watches Demetri and Jessiah, biting down
on her lower lip::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::he doesnt move as he is picked up...he just
stares at Demetri....waiting::
D Veldane: If i wanted you dead... ::looks over to Akari
then lowers his voice:: I would kill you.
D Veldane: Be thank ful of her presence...::with that he
releases Jared and Vanquishes all control of Jareds
nervous system::
D Veldane: Thankful*
Jessiah Ramsus: ::falls on his knees and hands::
D Veldane: ::Quitely walks past Akari::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::then gets back up to his feet..::
Akari Chapelo: ::She crosses her arms over her chest in relief,
releasing her lip::
Jessiah Ramsus: Damn...
D Veldane: Don't say i never gave you anything Akari...
Jessiah Ramsus: You're good...
Akari Chapelo: ::She nods slowly, looking down at her feet::
D Veldane has left the room.
Jessiah Ramsus: ...
Jessiah Ramsus: I guess i should say thank you