Jessiah Ramsus: ::He narrowed his eyes slightly as he scanned over the lower left portion of her back. They weren't that far in.. He could practically see them through the skin. With a few small incisions, he began to pull each one out. Digging into the wounds with a thumb and index finger quickly, before the cut sealed off, and pulled out each chunk of metal. He did this over and over until he couldn't find anymore, licking his fingers everytime he finished. After taking another quick look around just to check, he put the scalpel away and picked up all the bullets he could find and handed them over to her:: Done.. and at no cost, because i'm such a nice guy and all..
Akari Chapelo: ::Digits strained against the raw sheetrock whch shown through the walls, arms raised above her head as he worked on her back. Looking as though she was going through a frisk before getting into a cell in prison, legs spread apart. She turned around, edging off the boards by the twist of her boot. A low creaking under her weight. Releived the bullets had been removed, Akari rubbed the heel of her palms into her eyes and finally glanced up at him with a few minor blinks. First to his face, and then to his hand which contained the devil rocks.:: Thank you.. ::She reached out and swiped the bullets away from his hand. They would be of some use later on.:: And because I'm such a nice... Oh, wait. ::A disoriented grin played across her lips. It was a wonderful sensation to have them out. Though now for the jaw. She could quite possibly have someone punch her in the opposite direction Threat had. Just to even things out, though that might prove to do no good.::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::He gave her a strange look... Something seemed out of place... Could it be... her jaw?:: You need to learn how to take your punches better.. ::He placed one hand behind her head to hold her in place, and grabbed her jaw with the other. With a swift jerk, it was snapped back into place. Of course, it would be sore for awhile.. But she could survive:: Yeah, that's right... I'm such a nice guy. No need for thanks. ::He dusted himself off a bit and stepped back, looking the place over..:: So.. Was the ass kicking as bad as it seems to be?
Akari Chapelo: ::She reared back a little as he took a hold of her head. A non-cooperative child, if you will. Squinting her eyes as he forced his hand onto the side of her jaw and nearly growled, though it was more so an animal suffering, denying a human of helping it. She jarred to the side once he had relocated it and looked at him in bewilderment. That nasty little attitude over powering her thoughts.:: I could have done that myself. ::She sneered and looked away, realizing he did help more than she asked for. Though she was sure, deep down... he knew she appreciated it. Placing her hands over well shown hips, Akari took a gaze around the tavern with him. Indeed from, the looks of her and the room in comparison, she appeared to be the victim.:: The fact of the matter is... Most of this distruction was my work. ::Slipping her fingers into the belt loops of the pants she substituted for the dress, Akari pulled them up a little.:: The hole in the wall.. It may resemble Threat's bodily outline. That was my work.. The ruined bar, mine as well.. Hmph. Smashed rocking chair, broken door.. Those too.
Jessiah Ramsus: Hmph.. You always get to have all the fun. ::He took another quick look around, for somewhere to sit..:: You could have atleast left some chairs intact.. ::With a small sigh, he slumped back and sat on the floor. Knees up with his arms crossed on and inbetween the two, his head resting on the crossed arms. Crimson eyes scanned over the damage as he milked info out of her:: Why did Threat attack you, anyways? He had to prove his masculinity after being shot down by you, maybe?
Akari Chapelo: He had his memory drawn by Blade long ago...Supposedly. And.. before that, I had fought him. He seems to remember tearing me apart, though I believe that's just his ego lying for him. ::She shrugged her shoulders and ran her fingers around the folded silk fabric of her make-shift shirt. It was not pleasing in the least bit for her to be without proper clothing. She would have rather tromped about stark naked had it not been for the bad weather ... Not to mention men. Casually, she found her way to the bar sink. Looking it over, there had been a few broken beer bottles and the focet seemed a tad dusty. She reached out to lift the handle upwards, when two cockroaches crawled out instead of water. Sighing, she turned to lean against the counter from behind the bar, looking down at Jessiah as he sat amongst the debris and wreckage.:: Other than that, I believe I did mess him up enough to say that there was no winner in this.
Jessiah Ramsus: And what about this other person you got in a fight with? ::He ran his seemingly fragile and pale fingers through his hair as he took a quick look around the floor. A rat passed by on the floor, and before it could get out of reach, Jessiah snatched it up and brought it to his mouth, biting down into it's side and leeching out every drop of blood in it's small body... Indirectly mocking Akari's feeding pattern::
Jessiah Ramsus: [ My posts are getting smaller and smaller.. >.O ]
Jessiah Ramsus: [ I gotta start using bigger words ]
Akari Chapelo: ::Indubitably Akari's feeding patterns were, in like terms... Uncouth, to say the least. Duel onyx twins fixated over the rat which began fidgiting under Jessiah's grasp. For the past day or so, those filthy vermin were all that kept her appetite from going out of control. Bending her arms at the elbow, she crossed one leg over the other while leaning against the counter, sink directly behind her. Lithe little form swaying gently, palms pressed against the metal strip lining of the sink.:: And you used to think I was digusting when I did that. ::A coy twist began to curve the side of her mouth, into one of those "smile-ish things".:: As for Guy. Well, he hadn't really done anything. ::A quiet chuckle escaped from those lush, pallid tiers. Thoughts of Nereious, the demon lacking his testicles, then Guy sitting next to him.:: I was petting him. And while talking to Atsuka, subconsciously slammed his head into a mahogany chair. ::She recalled Wingy [Nereious's nickname given to him by her and Guy] not enjoying this all too much, then leaving in a pissy fit.:: Afterwards, Guy became rather drunk and I hadn't wanted him in my presence... So, being the resourceful little thing I am, I threw a large rock at his head and rendered him unconscious. ::She lifted her right hand and examined her fingernails as she said her last sentence. Casually removing dirt from under them with the thumb:: That's all.
Jessiah Ramsus: [ People are telling me happy birthday.. ;_; ::Continues typing and shuts up:: ]
Akari Chapelo: [Haha. You get gleeful greetings on your brithday.]
Akari Chapelo: [Birth..]
Jessiah Ramsus: I think i'm addicted to angel blood.. ::Whilst saying things that came straight out of left field, he chucked the rat away.. Not liking the taste very much, he smacked his lips. He looked over at her with a strange, bored look..:: I wish I had horny psychopaths attacking me.. Well, I have horny psychopaths... But none that attack me. I think i'm beginning to envy you.. ::He took a few seconds to think about that, coming to a conclusion:: No.. Not really.. ::Sluggishly brushing his hair back, he continued to look around the room as if there would be something to do.. Of course there wouldn't, he'd actually have to get up and be productive before he could find anything fun to do.. And that's just not like him:: I think you're getting too old or something, if that happened when I first met you.. You wouldn't be as trashed from that fight as you were just now..
Jessiah Ramsus: [ I don't think this is a great time to bring this up.. but in Nereious's lil bio thingy.. It says he was born in Vatican City, which is a country.. But it's an island.. and the whole island is a city... And he says he was born in a small log cabin... When there are no woods ]
Jessiah Ramsus: [ Just.. Felt like getting that out.. o.o; ]
Akari Chapelo: ::Her eyes narrowed from looking at her fingernails and slowly slide over to level on Jessiah. It was never a good idea to anger her. Not even if she had just recovered from a battle.:: Your honry psychopaths aren't covered in weapons galore. ::She squinted her eyes into tiny slits. It was aggitating to hear this. Within the time she had stepped into the tavern and fought Threat, there was never a doubt in her mind that she would not overcome and eventually win.:: Have you ever had government explosives pelted at you one after another in a cannon like gun? ::That voice was cold, resonant at most. The remaining palm on the counter coiled fingers around its edge, digging into the wood and slowly compressing it beneath her grasp.:: If you think I enjoy this... You're absolutely fucking right. ::Smirking, Akari turned away and stood up. Walking along the perimeter of the bar, she found her way to the door which seemed to be hanging off of one hinge. A light kick and it had fallen completely off with a thud. Dust rising from under, floating about. The vibration against the floor from its impact sending shards of wood to bounce up a little.:: Hmph.. If I'm too old, then would I not become more powerful? ::She looked down momentarily with a sign of utter disgust..:: The fucker deteriorated into bats!
Akari Chapelo: [::Scampers off a second to start cooking her dinner..::]
Akari Chapelo: [o.o]
Jessiah Ramsus: You're hopless.. ::He shook his head again and looked back up to her:: I save my explosive for the weekends.. and when people deteriorate into bats. ::He looked around himself again, noticing something shiny.. He picked it up. A bullet shell. He studied the casing for a few seconds..:: Maybe I should start using guns.. Or maybe Threat could get some balls. ::He flicked the shell away with a look of disgust on his face..:: Never was very fond of any type of projectile weaponary.. I'm a sword guy.. and a just about everything else but guns guy.. ::Realizing he was ranting.. he rubbed the back of his head with a nervous chuckle:: I think i'll shut up for a bit..
Akari Chapelo: Mm.. This could have all been avoided...easily. If I had just killed him when I had the chance. ::She began to mutter something under her breath. It was aggitating knowing that she paid the price for bestowing pity on a mortal. Never again would she do that. Whether it be Blade or anyone else.:: Your ranting is no problem. I used guns for a while. It was actually Blade who introduced me to that inane gunslinging. I'm surprised I haven't blown a fuse and shot up every single one of his little friends. ::Pausing, she thought for a while on what she had just said.:: Hm.. Doesn't sound like a bad idea. ::Akari began looking herself over once more, reminded by her appearance after having to pull those pants up once again. Falling off her ass... She would have to feed on some well dressed female soon. Stealing other's worldly possessions wasn't her style, she wasn't a theif. Just a humble killer::
Jessiah Ramsus: Well, don't be stupid now. You should show some sort of affection towards humanity, or whatever is left of it. It's just that stupidity happens to make up the majority of it.. The few good humans that are out there can't help that. ::Visions of old mortal friends passed through his minds, some that became fledglings and others that just wen their own way. Blah, no need for a trip down memory lane.. It would just put him in a foul mood, and this place was beaten down enough as it is..:: Talking about the whole sword thing.. I ditched mine. I need to find someone with a good sword and kill them for it. Or just stick to what I do already..
Jessiah Ramsus: *mind
Jessiah Ramsus: *went
Jessiah Ramsus: [ >.O Grrr.. ]
Akari Chapelo: ::Liltily humming as he spoke, she stepped over towards him. She accurately blocked out his lecturing. He may or may not have noticed that being pre-occupied with talking and all. She leaned down and placed her hands over her knee caps, looking him over a while.:: Your big can opener? Now, why would you get rid of Dhylec? ::The question really did not serve any value. She had not needed an answer, though placed the question out there. The front of her top seemed to cowl down and leave her bosom wide open for viewing. She later noticed this after asking the question. Standing with a clear of her throat, Akari leaned once more against an old table.:: And what exact have you been doing without it?
Jessiah Ramsus: Getting resourceful.. ::He rose an index finger up into the air, and with a quick flicker.. A small blaze rose from the tip:: Don't give me the corny lecture bullshit.. I learned it from an angel I fed from. I need a fresh supply of blood to use it, and I am just beginning practicing fire rituals.. So I can't do much but this and ignite a few punches. Then there's the whole Methuselah thing.. With the bones. Other than that, I just have the generic vampire stuff that i've always had. ::He put up the flame before he put his hand back down, only to notice that Akari was slipping out of her clothes a bit.. He adverted his sight to the side, as if to look at something else..:: I don't really know why I got rid of it.. It was dragging me behind a lot, and I never used it much.. Screw the whole family bullshit, too.. It's just a big hunk of sharp metal.. I can find other swords..
Jessiah Ramsus: *put out the flame
Jessiah Ramsus: [ >.O; ]
Akari Chapelo: Yes, it did seem rather heavy. ::Reluctantly her own blade weighed much less than most swords. Passing her fingers over the wood of the table, Akari wiped away some dust and wrote out the word "Mame". Underlining it a few times, she let a silent moment pass by, then finally wiping the word away completely with her full palm. She stood up again. It always seemed as though she couldn't stay in one place for too long. Stepping over to Jessiah once more, he had only been a few feet away. She leaned down to his eye level, bending at the knees this time. Those huge boots rubbing and making a sort of *screech* noise as she did so. With her right hand, she took his chin between her thumb and index finger, delicately turning his face from one side to the other.:: You've changed too much, Jessi... ::Giving it a moment of thought, she then withdrew her hand::
Jessiah Ramsus: ::A low growl emitted once she grabbed him by the chin:: Don't touch me.. and don't call me Jessi.. ::He rose to his feet and walked to the the other side of the room:: I changed my mind.. I think I should have left you alone. I just need to let go of everything.. including your shit. ::He let out a small sigh of grievance before going any further..:: I've changed? No.. I'm the same as i've always been, you're changing.. Everyone's changing, and i'm being left behind. All this time i've been trying to get back to my old self, and i've realized that i'm already there. So fuck you.. Go play around with your stupid little gun toting fucks. I should have just stayed away when I had the chance..
Jessiah Ramsus: [ Where the hell did that come from? >.O ]
Akari Chapelo: [Lack of anything better to say.]
Akari Chapelo: Your insipid little games of "Fuck you, I'm being left behind" are what leaves you behind. You have not been left behind, Jessiah. ::She stood after he had recoiled from her touch and walked away. Placing her hands over her hips she practically beamed at him.:: You give up too quickly. My changes are minimal compaired to what you've endured over the recent past. Distortion of bones, fire.. If those are severe changes, I don't know what are. ::A light "hmph" was given as she edged her fists into tight little balls. Within the heat of the moment, she withdrew her sword from across her back. That mind controlled weight proportion was leveled out so that she clung to the ground like a ton of bricks. A low emitting growl was given and she soon drove the sword straight into the table beside her. Collapsing it, then leaving the sword there to stick up from the ground and rubble.:: Those gun toting fuck are NOT my play things. If you were so intent on leaving me alone, then why had you not thought about your actions like the intellectual prick you've always been? ::Her right foot rose upwards off the ground a little, then came crashing down onto the floorboards with a drastic vibrating:: YOUR LITTLE SELF DISCOVERY TRIPS DO NOT HELP IN THE LEAST BIT!
Akari Chapelo: [aren't*]
Jessiah Ramsus: Self discovery trips are excuses to get away, that's all.. Why? Do you think I actually looked for "Who I am"? I know who I am.. Why would I go out to look for that? I'm not some spiritual dumbass.. Hell, i'm an atheist. And some of those changes I couldn't help no matter what I did, the fire thing is just something I picked up as a hobby.. SO FUCKING SUE ME!! What you're saying is that because I like to play with fire, i'm a whole different person now... Well, fuck you if you're gonna exagerate that much. ::He looked at her in disgust.. She'd changed, maybe not how she thought, but in his eyes she did.. She was slowly turning into someone he didn't want to be around anymore.. She was turning into one of those annoying girls he killed off on a daily basis. And it pissed him off, because she was the last person he expected that to happen to.. And now she was being naive..:: I'm in hell..
Akari Chapelo: So the world will come crashing down. Slowly, though surely. ::In her mind this was all brought up by the question. Even her touching and pet-name calling would not have angered him so much. Though seeing him angry, angered her in return. It was a vicious cycle. Too stubborn was Akari to appologize. She felt as though nothing was her fault or wrong in the least bit. The help was fine, though if a quarrel like this was presented to the be end result, she would have revoked his offer to help. Returning the look of disgust, Akari found herself reading his mind without needing to exactly. It was all too obvious that he was beginning to hate her. Which made her want to rebel and fight against that.:: I do not think you're quite understanding the situation I am in. ::Pulling a hand through blood encrusted locks of aqua hair, she watched him, nearly cooling down, for her outbursts now a days only lasted perhaps a minute or so. It was without question pathetic. Foolishly she ripped at the seams of the shirt she wore. The argument had risen most of the blood she'd consumed in the past two days straight to her face. It felt warm and strange..:: I'm not turning into something you think I am. ::Lowering her glance, long, black lashes resembling spikes touched the very top of her cheeks:: Perhaps something completely the opposite. ::Sighing, she wrenched her sword from the floorboards and reattached it to her back.::
Jessiah Ramsus: Fuck your situation.. You don't know how I feel. I don't give a damn what your situation is.. It doesn't change my opinion of you. Whatever it is you're becoming, you're still becoming something that's pissing me off.. ::He pondered just leaving right there.. But he didn't, he wanted to hear what she thought about all of this.. Of course she would most likely say something shallow and naive again, and would piss him off enough to actually make him leave.. But atleast then he would have more of a reason to leave, and could say that he heard her side of the "arguement".. That's what she was making it look like.. Like she had a side to argue about, when the whole thing was about how he felt about her as of lately.. Which he thought was very funny, since it was a one sided thing, not an arguement..::
Akari Chapelo: [Welp. I'm stumped. ::Sits there thinking::]
Jessiah Ramsus: [ o.o Take your time ]
Akari Chapelo: It seems as though you're not finding a personality about me. Maybe the things I say or do aren't to your liking as of lately, though I'm afraid those choices were made in the 'heat of the moment.
Akari Chapelo: [AAHHHHHHHHH@@@@@@@@@@@]
Akari Chapelo: [At..?]
Akari Chapelo: [::Continues::]
Akari Chapelo: If you're unsatisfied with my 'naive' choices, then there is a great possibility that I beat you to the punch. You never liked me in the beginning. Besides, I've always talked about returning to my old self. Whether you see it as naive or stupid in your eyes, it is a possibility. ::Continuing her 'side of the one sided arguement', Akari stammered a little, stuttering in her speach. Too many things had gone on lately, and she'd been hit in the head more times that one could count until passing the line of a human's intake rate being pronounced legally dead. There was a twisted reality about her mind that was not real at all. Almost as though she warped situations so that she could and would lose. Perhaps it was just a feeling of rank needing to be degrated:: The point is, I'm fucked over and I know it. So I won't waste my words trying to cover that up. You're right, okay? ::It was insanely hard for Akari to admit such a thing. She had been fucked up, and there was a deffinite malfunction in her behavioral patterns. It felt as though something was missing. She lacked something quite vital to her personaily and general mannerisms::
Akari Chapelo: ::With that she had sat down on a half broken chair, slumping back, only to continue trailing her fingers against the table along side her.:: [Forgot that.]
Akari Chapelo: [Personaility*]
Akari Chapelo: [...]
Akari Chapelo: [Person-ality.]
Jessiah Ramsus: I'm getting a bit too riled up... But I do mean everything I say, you've become something I hate... I don't know how, when, or what... But I don't like being around you anymore. So I think I should just leave you alone.. Just get out of your way so you can think about all the shit that's going on in your head. ::He shook his head and rose to his feet, getting ready to make his exit:: I dunno what the fuck is going on anymore.. It could be me, or it could be you.. I just don't like what's going on. I want it to be back to the way it was.. When I actually had a shred of hapiness..
Jessiah Ramsus: [ >.O Cheap ]
Akari Chapelo: The shred of happiness you had? What was it? ::She somewhat lolled her head to the side, allowing it to hang limply. Faux-human form appearing to be a dead maniquin. Her mind was askew. Trying to remember things in the past, how she was, and what was different now from then. She tried to think but it all went soft. Nothing felt right or solid. She remember images of them together, though like bad photographs on wet toilet paper. Blurry and distorted..::
Akari Chapelo: [Cheaper.]
Akari Chapelo: [::Puts on her New Kids On The Block Cd..::]
Akari Chapelo: [Oh, oh, ooo oh oh. Oh, oh, ooo oh oh. The right stuff. You got the right stuff... Baby. The kind of stuff that turns me oooon.]
Jessiah Ramsus: I don't know what it is.. But it was something worth holding onto. ::With a sigh, he brushed himself off and gave her a quickl smile before blurring out a broken window.. Into the night.. A small little show off exit thingy ma bobbery::
Jessiah Ramsus: x.x