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Welcome to my Drum Site. On my site you'll find Time Signatures: Finite to Infinity, drum Dealers, drum Sites, and drum Magazines. Checkout my Free Stuff page. I will add a lot more content to my site as I can. I hope you enjoy your visit. Please come back often to see the new changes. If you would like to know a little more about me, please checkout my Bio. Drum Screensavers , Live Chat and Virtual Drum Kits have just been added to my site. Looking for a FREE place to link Your Band's 'real audio' and mp3 files? Then go to my Free Band Submission Page. Here is a list of my equipment: My Setup. My new DrumTab page is now open. Please check out my first Flash project: Face Facts

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ONLINE DRUMSET LESSONS: Please visit: Bill Powelson's 114-lesson online home study course in drum set techniques! Many free drum set lessons for all levels. Also includes potential membership to all 114-lessons. IDEAL FOR BEGINNING DRUMMERS. Check out Bill's Buyers Guide for Drummers and his ODD/EVEN MUSICAL TIME-SIGNATURES & RHYTHMS.

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