Special Hearts Graphics logo
invisible graphic used for bordered backgrounds

Welcome to Special Heart Graphics!

I will start with how this site came to be...In May of 1999 our family was blessed a new little angel. On his second day he was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect called Tetrology of Fallot. The year was filled with many emotions as we went through multiple visits with his cardiologist and finally, his open-heart surgery in September of 1999. Creating these graphics has been therapeutic to my heart and soul.

This site is dedicated to my son and to all children and families living with congenital heart disease. God Bless you all!

UPDATE: It has been a couple years since I have actually made new graphics to put on the site. Most of my computer time is spent volunteering with The Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Quilt Project. I am currently working on updating this site. I will be removing some graphics and adding new ones, as time permits. Be sure to check back often.

Special Heart Graphics are created primarily with Congenital Heart Defect homepages in mind. You will find graphics created for specific defects as well as many graphics that can be used for any homepage. Graphics are mouse made using PSP6 and PSP8. I do enjoy sharing my graphics,all I ask that you follow a few simple rules. Click on the graphic below to view the terms of use

Heart image with a link to CHD related websitesIf you are new to CHD and would like to learn more, this heart will take you to a list of great sites.
Heart image with a link to add your homepage to a list of CHD homepagesAdd your homepage to the CHD Family Tree
Heart image with a link to have your site considered for our Touching Hearts award.Do you have a site that touches hearts? See our award created just for touching hearts

Floating mylar baloon image
Special thanks to Tracy for the use
of the balloon graphic

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by The JavaScript Source

Donate to your favorite charities just by clicking!

The following places will donate money to your favorite charity just by clicking. No need to purchase anything. Of course, if you do purchase something, more money will go to your favorite. Red Folder donates to the American Heart Association and I am set up to donate to Kids with Heart NACHD with iGive.

Red folder image with a link to Red Folder Office Supplies

Banner image with a link to iGive


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Created and Maintained by cmm/Special Heart Graphics
Copyright © 2000-2005
Special Heart Graphics, all rights reserved
Updated 06/17/05

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