My car mp3 player was built after school for about a week. It took probably about a total of 20 hours to complete. I used some old computer parts I had lying around. I ordered the 40x4 LCD from Timeline Inc for $30 w/ a backlight (shipping $5). I picked up the ac-dc converter at Big lots for $30 (there usually $60+) its 300watts so I figured that would be enough power. The 12 ft printer cable was also purchased there for $5. I had all of the wood left over from another project; it was all cut into boards of diff length all 1ft wide. I arranged all the parts needed into the smallest configuration possible then cut all the boards. After they all fit I cut out where all the ports would be. This was difficult because the jigsaw I was using is older than me and was not sharp whatsoever.
After assembling the box I cut some plexi-glass for the lid and spray painted the inside with a template of the paintball team I am on, Fallen Angels. The paint worked better from the inside because it would not get scratched and it gave it a glossy appearance from the outside. I lost 2 Dremmel cutting discs cutting the plexi-glass and one of them hit my friend in the neck. I would have used a larger saw but the blade in it was not fine enough and would have cut the glass into splinters. Once it was all dry I attached it to some hinges and added a handle and magnetic things to keep it closed. Well now that my box was done I was on to the hard part soldering.
I got the lcd in the mail with a ribbon cable attached, that had to go, so I carefully Dremmeled the cable connecter off and de-soldered all of the pins. Then I chopped off the printer end of the printer cable to reveal 25+ wires which I stripped, then I attached the appropriate wires to the holes in the LCD board according to the diagram (see pics section) at the other end of the cable I cut off the insulation just before the parallel connecter and used the unused wires to transfer the 5v+ power and ground to the backlight and LCD. I also used 2 wires for the power on/off switch and 4 for the keyboard connecter. (see wire hook up diagram) once all that was soldered and taped up I basically had 1 cable that I could plug into the pc via the parallel port, a molex connecter for power and the motherboard connecter for the power switch with a keyboard cable sticking out of the side. On the other end was the LCD, power on/off button, and keyboard controller chip and buttons. I then tested it all and ran it in my car for a few days to make sure my car’s power system could handle it.
Everything seemed fine so I cut out the dummy panel in the empty dash bay and installed the buttons and hid the keyboard chip behind it. I then used some Velcro to wedge the LCD into place and hold it securely. O yea I almost forgot I mounted the LCD into a plexi-glass box made from scraps and hot glue. I added a 10k pot from radio shack to control the contrast and a switch at the top to control the backlight. Well after some sanding and grinding the LCD and keyboard fit correctly into place without any permanent damage to the car. I also mounded a switch to kill the power to the ac-dc converter otherwise my battery would die. The small switch next to it is for the fm modulator which sends the signal into the stereo via direct connection to the antenna @ 88.1 fm.
The actual software isn’t too complicated. I am running the current vs. of winamp and windows 98. using a plug in (look in download section) I am able to control and display whatever I want to the LCD. But how do you control it? Well do we all know how a keyboard works? Well if not its basically 12 pins and 18 pins, I combine any 2 m one from each side and you get a character (most of the time) I tested it until I got the numbers 1-0 and a few random characters that winamp would like. Then I soldered buttons to those pins, so basically all of the buttons represent key strokes to the computer. Using the plug in I could configure this to actual functions like play and pause. I also made my pc so that It doesn’t boot into explorer rather just winamp. I also disabled scandisk which scans your hard drive if you improperly shut down (which I do). By doing all of this my pc boots and is ready to play (it auto loads a play list) in about 1min – 1:20 min. to shutdown the pc I simply turn the power off. Well that’s about all I have time for right now I’ll put more up later.
Download LCD print to test your LCD
Download the LCD WinAmp Plug In!
Here is some of the connection detail.