Compiled by Miska Che O'Muirchu
Last Update:  Dec 26, 2006
Merry Meet,

I started this website roughly 6 years ago, out of frustration. As hard as I looked, I could not find a decent website devoted to Elementals in Witchcraft.

Over the years I've learned quit a bit, but I never got around to updating my website.  Now it's time to do just that.

Before you go any further, a few notes of caution.

This is not an Intro to Wicca website. There are thousands of websites out there alread that do that job much better than I could.

This is a serious website aimed at adults.  In the past it might not have looked the part, because I was having fun with graphics.  The website might not look as flashy as it used to, but the information is much better now, based on several more years experience and, I hope, a much clearer understanding of what I set out to do in the first place.

Please be kind while I update the site.  I have much more time now to devote to it, so it should be fully functional soon.

Miska Che O'Muirchu
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This page deals with serious witchcraft. I use adult language and deal frankly with sexuality.

Those offended by either should go somewhere else.
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