Rachel and Jared's Home Page

"I've learned the key to keeping stress out of my life, to not worry about every single thing, some things cant be changed, some things are out of your hands, so why waste bad time and energy stressing over it?" - Kim DiPersia


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Now that I got another Yahoo! account to set up another webpage, I am going to have to work on two webpages now. I have completely finished my other webpage, and now its time for me to start working on this one. I am really happy how it turned out, and I hope you enjoy all my pictures. Dont forget to look at the pictures I have up on the Rachel's Pictures and Other Pictures sites! I am going to update this site with more information when I have the time so please check back here to see whats new. If you wait long enough I bet this will be a very cool site, and wont it be cool to say you were the first person to visit it? If you have any comments e-mail me at KoalaBear17@yahoo.com and I would appreciate it very much.     - Rachel






Favorite Sites

Other Pictures

Rachel's Pictures


P.S. The new site I have built is:

for all the pictures I have taken. This is NOT a XXX site, R.A.W is my initials, and there was no more good Yahoo! Ids left that were not long.