Welcome to the Del Lago web page created for the 42 homeowners of Del Lago 2. My name is Jeff Giambalvo. I am the President of your homeowners association. This page was produced at no cost to the association. The advertising banner at the top of the page pays for the web site.
Homeowners are welcome to attend. The next meeting will be on May 12th. 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at the Schaumburg library.
I welcome your questions, comments, or suggestions. You may contact me at my E-Mail address:
E-Mail Me!
If you are one of the homeowners renting out your townhome, you must obtain a rental license from the Village. The cost is $50 per year. If your tenant is involved in criminal activity or causes a nuisance situation on the property, they can be evicted. And if the homeowner fails to resolve the problem, the rental license can be revoked. For more info, call (847)348-7276.

Does your home have window blinds? If they were manufactured before 1995, they may have loops in the pull cords. A simple repair gets rid of the loops, but many people don't know about it. Little kids get the loop cord around their necks and they strangle. There have been at least 160 strangulation deaths since 1991. Get a free repair kit by calling 1-800-506-4636 or visiting the web site
We were finally successfull in getting the grass cut to the west of Verde Drive.   The jungle to the east of Del Lago drive will take a little longer to get cleaned up, since the land around the creek and pond are owned by a private developer who intends to donate the land to the village, however the village will not clean up that area until the land is officially transfered to them.

If you  see small flags placed in the lawn by utility companies, here is the color code: Orange: communications, telephone, TV.  Yellow: gas. White: proposed excavation. Blue: potable water. Red: electric. Green: sewer.       
On the evening of September 6th/7th. two garages were broken into on Verde street. Some car audio equipment was stolen from the cars. I met with our Schaumburg Police beat Sargeant, and five of his officers on September 14th. to discuss the problem with them. The police told me that they would increase patrols around Del Lago. If you see any suspicious people around Del Lago, don't hesitate to call the police.
The vacant Homemaker's store across from Woodfield Mall will be the site of a Whole Foods grocery store and one other store to be named later.
Prompted by complaints about student parking, the Schaumburg Village Board voted unanimously to increase parking restrictions near Conant High School. The restrictions allow a maximum of two hours parking on Verde drive from Seers  drive North to where it ends just south of Higgins, and on Del Lago Drive from Higgins South to  Thacker Street between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. when school is in session. Trustee Pat Riley, chairman of the transportation committee, said cars create a safety hazard for small children, and neighbors have complained  about littering and vandalism.
Your 2009 Del Lago II Board Members are:
Jeffrey Giambalvo -  President
Susan Thiele - Secretary
Mike Boress - Treasurer
Doris Strom - Board Member
Our Property Manager is:
Joan Ness - Care Property Management Inc.
(847) 839-8383  E-Mail Joan at
I hope you find this web page interesting and informative. Feel free to E-Mail me  with any questions or comments.