DR SPOCK'S A CROCK! (and his kids are probably serial-felons hehe)

~ the truth about domestic pests, oops, pets, oops, kids
... wait, what's the difference again?!


So you're probably here because:
a. you're bored out of your mind and did a random search on Tibetian wildlife and somehow got here
b. you've some strange notion that reading about other parents like yourself would provide timely comfort to your crazy day
c. you have kids like mine (currently aged 9 and 11) and you thought you'd like to see how much more adorable yours are (try again!)
d. all the above and yup, like me, you've got too much time on your hands  =]

OK, in any case, welcome to these parts!
What you won't find here are wonderful anecdotes of the nauseous Chicken Soup variety. What you will are real down and dirty horror stories of projectile vomitting, in-diaper roadkill, teething tantrums et al. hehe well, actually not to scare you off, it's really a collection of ooh-ahh photos taken over a period of 6 years...and some hard-nose accounts of gestation-to-birth, and then some. And this just in, a little write-up in our local paper here and here.

And if your voyeuristic inclinations take ya, here are the gratituous piccies.
(WARNING: May contain infant nudity so please be above parental age to stomach such an assault on your genteel senses.)

In the meantime, hang in there, fellow earthling-podmakers , another 18 odd years to go!

Oh, you can drop me one here if you're inspired enough! :p

aspiring wonderwoman-mommy