The Chickens

In 1996 I was silly enough to purchase 13 bantam chicks, so I've decided to add this poultry page.

The first 7 were hatched around the beginning of April, 1996 and the later 6 were hatched around May 15, 1996.

  • Roaster - black cochin rooster
  • Midnight - black cochin hen
  • White Meat - white cochin rooster
  • Snowflake - white cochin hen
  • Szechuan - black silkie rooster
  • Spot - black silkie hen
  • Claudia - grey silkie hen with a club foot who thinks people exist just to carry her around
  • Barbecue - barred cochin rooster
  • Martha - partridge cochin hen
  • Kiev - partridge cochin rooster
  • Freckles - partridge cochin hen
  • Mz. Frizzle - red frizzle cochin hen
  • Millie - a red cochin hen
  • These chickens produced quite a few chicks in the spring of 1997. The keepers (pullets) out of this bunch are 3 black silkie/cochin crosses, 1 partridge silkie/cochin cross, and 1 black silkie. For some unknown reason, we got way more cockerel than pullet chicks.

  • Dot - daughter of Spot. She "toots" just like her momma.
  • Sweety - partridge silkie/cochin cross. Extremely freindly. Always underfoot.
  • Shadow - black silkie/cochin cross. She follows us so much she's like our shadow. She and Sweety like jump up and sit in laps.
  • Stew - partridge cochin/black cochin cross. We kept Stew even though he is a cockerel because he is so freindly. Stew would rather hang out with people than with other chickens.
  • Links:

  • FeatherSite An on-line garden of domestic fowl.
  • The Coop has a virtual poultry show.
  • The story of Gleepy the Hen.
  • Chicken Falconry and Other Strange Hobbies
  • Poultry Breeds from Oklahoma State University Department of Animal Science.
  • The Poultry Information Exchange
  • the poultry Usenet newsgroup

  • Back to The Netter Page

    Copyright (C) C Netter 1997