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Tender Crested Iris

A Crested Iris Plant A Crested Iris Plant

The crested iris (section Lophiris) often called Evansias, have a crest rather than a beard. Some of these iris have a cane type stem with a fan of leaves and then a heavily branched stem with many frilly flowers. These cane type iris are fairly tender but make good house plants in continental climates.

I. japonica

I. japonica is the only cane type crested iris that will tolerate temperatures down to ten degrees F. (-15 degrees C.) Though the next years buds may be killed at this temperature.

I. japonica
I. confusa I. confusa

A lavender form of I. confusa collected on the road to Chengdu in China is now commonly called just "Chengdu" in the trade.

Crested Iris Hybrid 'Nada'

This hybrid between two of the tender crested iris is known as 'Nada'. The tender cane type crested iris come from SE Asia and all seem to need a humus rich woodland soil in high shade.

Crested Iris Hybrid

I. wattii I. wattii

The largest of the tender crested iris is I. wattii with flowers three to four inches (7 to 10 cm) in diameter on a stem that may reach 6 feet (2 meters). It is also the most tender. The form commonly grown may not be a true species but rather a hybrid.

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