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Growing Corn & Beans
Fall Salad Garden
Going Green
Starting a Garden
Lawn Care
Spring Bulbs
Summer Bulbs
House Plants
Planting in Containers Groundcovers
Growing Roses
Manure Tea
Frost Dates
Hardiness Zones
Winter Annuals

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flower gardening for beginners, vegetable gardening for beginners
Gardens for Beginners

                           Selecting and Growing Flowers             

watering flowers
arranging mums


Useful Garden Links:

Use Zip Code to Find Hardiness Zone
Weed Identification
Insect Identification

Flower Photos


by Babel Fish
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--The neighbor's field is easy to hoe.--
                                         African Proverb

Blooming now: iris

When does the garden season begin for your U.S. or Canadian City?

Starting Garden Seeds Indoors

Forcing Bulbs

Plant a Tree or Shrub

Spring Tilling the Garden

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Gardens for Beginners, Gardening for Beginners

Gardens for Beginners online since 2000.