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Growing Portulaca
(Rose Moss)

 Portulaca is a sun loving plant with bright rose shaped blooms, easy to grow and easy to appreciate. It starts quickly from seeds or can be purchased as six-packs. Its height is only six inches.

  Bloom time is the hottest time of the year, middle summer to early fall.

  The plant has few problems as long as it gets enough sun and has well drained soil that is not soggy.
  The flowers are open in the morning, longer on cloudy days, and close during the heat of the day. More modern varieties have blooms that stay open longer. The plant has spiky looking leaves that are succulent and are not attractive once the flowers close.

  Portulaca needs full sun and can take drought well. The seeds dropped in one year can sprout the following spring, reseeding itself. There are a wide range of colors, especially orange, yellow, pink, and white. Colors that are not available are blue and purple.


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