..........a note from the author

Thanks for visiting my webpage!

I am a freelance writer in Savannah, focusing on humor and pleasantries.

Some of my favorite things to write about are those that my readers respond to most often.  The front porch swing, a walk in the park, a day with the kids are the subjects that people seem to relate to best. If I can write something that encourages someone to reflect on a more pleasant time of their life, I feel like my work has been worthwhile. 

As a
humorist, I enjoy sharing the highlights of life, such as how it was growing up in the 60's with daredevil friends. My readers tell me they enjoy vignettes about my kids, who lovingly drove me nuts when they were growing up, and my husband who is surely in line for the title of saint.

Currently I am staying busy writing two weekly newspaper columns, editing and writing for an executive ISP, working on special projects for the
Savannah Morning News, working with assorted corporate assignments and writing feature pieces for several magazines. 

I recently worked as a correspondent for
Streetmail, a now-defunct dot com.

As a
speaker, I focus on humor and inspiration, with a southern flair. Click in the email box below to request clips or more information.

The final edit is complete on my
first book (currently) titled Finding My Garden. It is a compiliation of humorous and inspirational columns written and compiled over the years. 

Landmark moments in my writing career include two
Georgia Press Association Awards for Most Humorous Column and a story about the loss of my beloved father-in-law, published by Guidepost's Angels on Earth Magazine. 

I've been asked many times, "How do you do it?  How do you meet weekly deadlines. work for several people, and at the same time, stay creative?"  My answer is simple.  Before I write, I always ask
God to guide me, just as He guides me in my daily life.  
Kathy's Favorite  Sites:

The Times Herald, Newnan Georgia

Savannah Morning News

Drudge Report

Georgia Press Association

Guideposts Magazine

Angels On Earth Magazine

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

The author's
work, previously unauthorized. Site has since requested and received permission.
We're glad you stopped by!  This webpage will be changing from time to time, so visit again    when you can! 

Click here to request more information on speaking engagements or to request writing samples.
Kathy Bohannon
        Welcomes You!
Twice Georgia Press Association Award  Winner : Humorous Column
Published by Guideposts Magazines
                   Savannah Magazine
        *Savannah Morning News
        *Times-Herald, Newnan, Ga.
Editor / Writer
Contributing Writer:
         *Savannah Magazine
         *Coastal Senior Magazine 
         *Diversions Magazine
         *Coastal Homes Magazine
         *Just About Horses Magazine
         *Coastal Parent Magazine
         *Corporate Publications
         *Inspirational and Humor
ALL works on this site and links featuring the author are copyrighted.  If you see something you wish to reprint, you must  contact the author first by utilizing the email link.
Originally from Moreland, Georgia, Kathy has been married to the wonderful John Bohannon for 27 years.  They have two children, Aubern Michelle, a graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design, and John III (aka "Bo", aka "The Boy") a student at Georgia Southern University.. Aubern became engaged to Ian Mason in April of 2003, and a wedding is planned for Oct 2004. Ian realizes, that as a future son-in-law, he is now prone to being written about... a good sign that he is already considered a part of the wacky Bohannon family.
Winner of Georgia Press Association's
            2003 award 1st Place
             Humorous Column