HomePage Improvements

This 15MB of GeoSpace was originally dedicated to helping GeoCitizens make simple, yet attractive websites. I'm no HTML expert, but have been self-taught in various areas of HTML since June, 1997. I'd like to think I've learned some tricks that would be helpful to those just getting started. While there are some areas that are helpful to those using Y!Geo, there are many more areas that will help other HTML beginners.

You'll find as this site develops that the tutorials will be divided into categories, based on approximate relative difficulty.

To return to this page from elsewhere in this site, first go to the Index of any section, then click the "return to main menu" link.

This site is a member of WebRing.
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Beginner's Menu
Create a Page   HTML1 - Basics
HTML2 - Text   HTML3 - Fonts   Music Files  

Beginner's Index   Entry Page/WebRings

Advanced Menu
Lists   Iframes  

Advanced Index   Entry Page/WebRings

Fonts used on this page include "arial" and "ariston". To find out if you have them installed, visit the Fonts Download Section

Last Update:
6:03 PM 6/25/03