Yup I have 4 bratty kids *S* .. They are spoiled rott'n, so rott'n you best listen to them or else they will mess up your carpet..When they say I got to go, you better open the door.. When they tell you lunch time they mean business .. Otherwise you will wake up with everything chew'd up the next day.. And In my case when u put on your shoes If you don't take them the neighbors will get mad cause they wake them up crying...
My 4 babies are a 7 month old cream color pom name Lit'l Foot.. Who is spoiled rotten & when I say spoiled I mean it .. She sleeps with me , she goes bye bye with me ..U name It when I walk she bites my ankles until I pick her up .. This is my youngest baby..
Then there is a long hair white in color dog that I think she has a little of everything in her LOL she has been with us for 5 years and was passed down from my sister that had her for 2 years & some friends for 1 year so she is getting old now but still going.. Her name is baby and she still thinks she a baby .. Lit'l Foot is so jelous of her they often fight on who is gonna set in my lap .. I mean to tell you just like kids..
Then of coarse my buddy Brutus he is my biggo baby.. I call him biggo brutus he is a 14 month german shepard who works for the city police.. They actually put him over my hubby He is listed as a srgt. in the Police dept. files ...He does a really good job on finding drugs.. He loves his tug and knows what It takes to get it *S* ..Sometimes he makes me mad and I start feeling bad cause he is so BIG and he is in my house but I have gotten better to accepted it cause he seems to like me so much .. I have grown a close bond to him and It was his fault cause he always wants to lay on me and Gosh who could turn a HUG down from a pretty dog *S* He also teaches my pom ..She watches him and does alot of things he does ..It amazes me ... She even find drugs as well...and good at finding it ...
And of coarse My outside dog shebia ..She is 2 years old and has 3 quarter wolf in her.. They are not as mean as people say but They have there picks of people they like ..They get very close to there owners and very protective .. Know one would get through my back yard .. The only bad thing I have learned about them is you cannot keep them tied down the wildness in them is to be loose and run wherever they please.. They will tear down a fence .. When I say tear down I mean literally tear it down..
So you think Im crazy yet over all this talking about my babies wow you havent seen nothing yet imagine If you were here and seen how I actually treat them .. Yup I treat them just like they are kids *S* I am working on pic's of all my babies so yu can see what they look like *S* ..