So have you been trying to grind on some curbs/rails and are getting stuck? Well you have to wax the stinking curb first!! Its not hard at all, and it will only take a few seconds and a few cents to do..
First off, you need to get the wax. Though most any wax will do, I personally stick with the Parafin wax found in the canning section of just about any big grocery store. Its about $1.50, and is about 4x4x8" or so.
Some other types of wax that I have heard work are candle wax, crayons, Sex Wax, Chapstick, and even soap. If its got a waxy feel to it, it will most likely work for making whatever surface you want to grind on more slippery. (If you use candles, melting them into a cup and using that works well) Speaking of waxing up surfaces, here are a few tips that will help you wax up your surface a bit better..
First off, make sure you have a decent sized grinding area to wax up- I wouldnt go for anything under about 10'. Next, you bust out the wax and proceed to coat the top of the curb/stair/plater/whatever with a THICK coat of wax. The basic idea is this: You want your wheels and frame to slide across the layer of wax, and not grind or catch on the curb. So as a rule of thumb, put on enough wax so that you can feel both the wax and the curb about equally. Make sure you are making a nice thick strip (about 6" or so) along the top of the curb. When you are grinding, only the top will be slid across, so don't bother waxing the bottom. In any case, just make sure to apply it fairly evenly, and try to get it down in the grooves. This will help the wax be spread all over the curb, and thus help you slide better. I have heard a couple of people swear that melting a candle and letting it drip works GREAT and lasts a long time, but I have my doubts. Your mileage may vary.
So now you've grinded on the curb a bit, and some of the wax is off. What to do? Hopefully by now you have ground away some of the surface and it is becoming smooth on its own. (This is why frequently ground planters and curbs work so well) But even the best curb will still need to be waxed again and again to keep it grindable. If you start to catch on the curb again, bring out the wax and get to work. The stuff is cheap, so dont skimp on it. Oh.. One other point of warning-- dont put too thick of a coat on a handrail or you will regret it!
In any case, waxing is a basic thing done by aggressive skaters to both rails and curbs, so dont worry if other skaters question you.. Just shred it up and wear your pads!