Soft brown hair
Piercing blue eyes
Striking defined jaw
Blindingly bright smile
Smooth clean skin
Nice wide shoulders
Strong washboard abs
Extremely well built
You’re perfect
Everything about you
Is perfectly perfect
Or is it?
Can I really accept
The possibility
That you might be
Stupider than you look
That if looks
Didn’t count
You just might be
Nothing at all
And underneath it all
Can you be nice as you seem
Despite the fact that
You busted my boy’s nose?
You might have been
Roaring drunk
But you still hurt
A dear friend of mine
If you’d hurt a guy
You might hurt a girl
Maybe not physically
But mentally, emotionally
For the first time ever
You smile at me
Are you aware that
You’ve indirectly hurt me?
I am almost lost
In the light
Of that blindingly bright
Smile of yours
A smile that might
Personify happiness
Or doom
Or emptiness
I am lost in emotion
I should hate you
But what I feel is infatuation
Or is it?
"This one's okay. I like parts of it. Mediocre, but what can I say?"
-- me. Treva.