Section 1. The name of this organization shall be known as the Daly City Dolphins Aquatics Club (DCDAC), an unincorporated organization, consisting of swimming members and a Parent/Guardian support group.
Section 2. The principal place of business and headquarters of the DCDAC shall be located in the City of Daly City, County of San Mateo, and at such a place as the Board of Directors shall designate.
Section 1. The objective of DCDAC shall be:
a. To provide for development, in the participating children, of good citizenship and productive lives through aquatic sports and to encourage a group of boys and girls to be competent young mature swimmers in a wholesome and congenial training and competitive climate.b. To protect and promote the mutual interest of its members; to participate in group activities pertinent to the organization and to promote other activities relative to the club.
Section 2. This shall be a non-profit organization.
Section 1. Membership in the DCDAC shall be available to all children interested in competitive swimming, subject to the conditions set forth in these Bylaws. Application for membership shall be made on prescribed forms and shall bind each applicant and parent/guardian to abide by the By-laws and operating procedures of the Club and the rules of Pacific Swimming, Inc.
a. Active swimmers are defined as those who swim with the DCDAC at least 12 days per month, attend at least one meet in a two month period, and have fulfilled their financial obligations. Pre-comp swimmers shall be considered active.
1. Membership is open to all interested children, the majority of which shall be residents of Daly City or the Jefferson Union School District.
2. A membership is established when any family has one (1) or more swimmers as active participants.
3. Unattached swimmers who become eligible by Pacific Swimming, Inc. rules to become affiliated with the DCDAC must do so immediately upon expiration of the interim period.
b. When the membership quota is filled, interested swimmers will be placed on a waiting list upon request to the Membership Chairperson. Returning swimmers (those off the role) may have priority on the waiting list.
Section 2. Dues and Fees
a. Dues per swimmer shall be paid monthly, for each of the twelve (12) months of the year. Team dues are charges to offset the cost of the coaches salaries and club operating expenses. Dues are to be set annually by mutual agreement with the Parks and Recreation Department.
b. A non-refundable fee for a two-week trial period for all new members will be charged in addition to monthly dues.
c. Dues are to be made out to the Daly City Dolphins Aquatics Club and sent to the Treasurer by check or money order. This payment is due on the first of the month. If the payments has not been received by the tenth (10) of the month, parents will be contacted.
1. Any member failing to pay dues within ten (10) days after the due date shall be notified and the swimmer shall be considered inactive. Said swimmer will be reinstated when all fees are paid.
2. Membership shall be terminated if dues are not paid for a period of two (2) months.
3. Anyone swimming during a month shall be charged for the full month. No refunds will be given or partial payments accepted.
d. In the event of family financial hardship, arrangements may be made with the Board of Directors and the Parks and Recreation Department to waive or defer payment of dues.
Section 3. Participation
a. Families must participate in the activities of the Club through election to office or committee work.
b. Participation is required of both swimmer and parent/guardian in the fund raising activities of the Club.
c. Failure to participate may result in loss of active swimmer status and the right to benefit in Club sponsored activities.
(DCDAC Bylaws, Page One)
Section 1. The officers of the Parent/Guardian group shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. they shall be elected by the parents of the Club for one year or until their successors have been elected. They shall serve from September 1 to August 31. All Officers and Board Members must be parents/guardians of active swimmers.
Section 2. Duties
a. The Officers, with the aid and consent of the rest of the Board of Directors shall prepare a calendar of events for the upcoming year covering fund raisers, swim meets, special outings and activities, and special projects.
b. The Board shall also prepare a budget for the upcoming year covering the cost of coaches salaries, equipment purchases, and all other expenses likely to be incurred.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers of the Parent/Guardian group and the elected Chairpersons of the following standing committees:
a. Ways and Means
b. Publicity
c. Membership
d. Timing and Judging Machine
e. Awards and Equipment
f. Telephone
g. Historian
h. Entries
i. Newsletter
Section 2. If more than one member of a family is a Board Member, only one vote will be allowed for each family concerning the business of the DCDAC at any business, a special or general meeting.
Section 3. Election of the Board of Directors shall be held at the annual general meeting called for this purpose. Voting shall be prescribed in Article VIII of these Bylaws.
Section 4. The elected Chairperson shall serve from September 1 to August 31.
Section 1. The annual meeting of the parent/Guardian group shall be held in the month of May or June, for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the following year, on a day, time and such a place as the Board of Directors shall designate.
At least ten (10) days prior to the meeting, written notice shall be mailed to all DCDAC Members.
Section 2. Meetings shall be held at least nine (9) times during the year. All such meetings are subject to the call of the President.
A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 3. Special meetings of the parent/Guardian group may be called by the President or a majority of the Board, or at the written request of fifty-one (51) per cent of the members of the Club.
Section 4. No Officer, Director, and/or member of the Club shall be entitled to any compensation for services rendered in said capacity, but may be reimbursed for monies spent in the course of their duties when approved in advance by the Board.
Section 5. The swimmers may elect a representative committee consisting of two boys and two girls, thirteen years or older, who may attend meetings without a vote.
Section 1. During the month of April, the president shall appoint and announce a Nominating Committee, composed of not less than five (5) voting members. It shall be the duty of said Committee to submit the name of members of the Club to be voted on for President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and the standing committee Chairpersons. Any member of the Club may place in nomination the names of other members of the Club for the elected offices and chairpersonships.
Such names shall be submitted for election at the same time and in the same manner as those of the Nominating Committee. Elections shall be as prescribed in Article VII.
Section 2. Removal of Board Members: Any elected member of the Board may be removed from office by two-thirds vote of the total membership. A special election must be held to replace such a Board Member. A Board Member appointed by the remaining Board may serve for not more than three months until such an election is held.
Section 3. Resignation of Board Members: A Board Member may be appointed by the Board of Directors to complete the remaining term.
Section 1. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed at any meeting of the Club or at any of its committee meetings.
Section 2. The method of voting at elections shall be secret ballot (at the meeting in progress, or the ballot may be mailed to members' place of residence as listed) and/or by roll call vote, whichever the membership decides at that meeting.
Section 3. A simple majority affirmative voice vote or mailed ballot shall be necessary for the adoption of any motion.
Section 1. Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the governing parliamentary law of the Club in all cases not definitely provided for by these Bylaws.
Section 1. Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be presented in writing, signed by twenty (20) per cent of the active Parent/Guardian group membership. The proposed amendments shall be presented to the membership at the regular meeting of the DCDAC or by mail. Due notice shall be given to all members of the proposed amendments at least twenty (20) days in advance of such a meeting.
Section 2. A two thirds affirmative vote of all members present at a meeting or a simple majority of mailed ballots shall be necessary for the adoption.
Section 1. In the event of dissolution, disbandment, inactivation, or other termination of the Club, the funds and properties of the Club, in excess of its' liabilities, shall be disposed of in accordance with the decision of the existing active membership, consistent with the non-profit corporation laws, by a majority vote of the members present at a duly called general membership meeting and with the approval of the City of Daly City Parks and Recreation Department.