How to fill out a Swim Meet Entry Card:

1) NAME: Complete swimmer's full name.

2) CLUB ABBREVIATION: Write "DCD" which is the Dolphin's

club abbreviation.

3) CLUB NAME: Write "Daly City Dolphins"

4) AGE: Write the age your child will be on the date of this swim meet.

5) DATE OF BIRTH: Write the swimmer's birth date (ex: May 1, 1980

should read: 05-01-80)

6) AMOUNT PAID: The fees vary from meet to meet. Usually the swim team

will charge an amount per event, plus a pool usage fee. Refer to meet sheet

for exact pricing.

7) USS REGISTRATION NUMBER: Write the USS Registration Number

of your swimmer. If you do not have a USS Reg. Number, call the

Head of Membership immediately.

8) SEX: Circle appropriate sex of swimmer.

9) AGE GROUP: Write swimmers age group at the time of this meet.

Choices are 8/under, 10/under; 11-12 yrs.; 13-14 yrs.; 15-16 yrs.;

17-18 yrs.


Look at the meet sheet and write down the event number of the race(s)

the swimmer is planning to enter. Then the distance and stroke.

(ex: "100 Breast Stroke", or "200 I.M."). You will enter the swimmers

best previous time in each event. If they never swam the event you

may enter in the "B" time from the meet sheet.

11) COACH: Write down the swimmer's coach's

name: (ex: Mr. Wales, Mr. Rippberger, etc...)

12) ADDRESS & PHONE #: Write the swimmer's current address and phone #.

AT THE MEET: At each swim meet, the information you have given on entry cards will be incorporated into the meet program. When arriving at a meet the swimmer must check in to enter their races at least one half hour before their event. (They may check in for all events of the day at one time if desired). At some meets (called "Cardless" Meets), a sign will be posted in a designated area telling the swimmer which heat and lane they are assigned to for their particular race. They simply need to go to their lane to enter each race.

At meets which use cards, the swimmer will sign in for their events as above. But for each race they will be given a "card" with their lane and heat assignments on it. Normally the cards are distributed a short while before their event. The swimmer will bring the card to the lane they are assigned to, and turn it in to one of the adult timer persons (usually the timekeeper of the assigned lane). At some meets "consolidated" cards are used. This one "consolidated" card will list ALL the swimmers events for that particular meet.

Usually the coaches will know if a meet is cardless or not. When checking in, make sure you double check on the details of procedures for that meet. These instructions are very brief. Please contact your coaches or team president for further details.

(DCDAC Swim Guide, page five)