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Lots of Summer
This newsletter will be brief, but "jam-packed" full of news items. So please read it carefully!
The Adult Dance Party was a rousing success! The team raised $1,000.50 at the event, besides all the participants having a great time. The Board Members want to express thanks to the following families who made it all possible: The Agao family, the Alorro family, the Apolinaro family, the Banares family, the Bautista family, the Cosiac family, the Cuvin family, the Dayao family, the Dimagmaliw family, the Dolar family, the DeCastro family, the Fu family, the Jequinto family, the Lu family, the Morales family, the Patrona family, the Rapadas family, the Romero family, the Rozal family, and the Soriano family. Thank you also to all the DCD families who donated sodas, snacks, and your time and help in order to raise this money which will be used to sponsor our Team Summer Outing. Next time, let's have 100% help (only 30% of the families participated this time), and if you have any ideas or suggestions please call President Madelyn Banares.
Families still interested in attending the Tahoe Meet, and/or camping, please call Madelyn Banares as soon as possible. We still have 2 campsites left (3 families per campsite), but time is running out.
If you are going, we will have a Bar-b-que night on Saturday July 11th at the campground, so bring food (chicken, ribs, hot dogs, fruit, corn, charcoal, bread, drinks, desserts, etc. etc.)
It's that time of year again when we have to have Board Member elections. The job description list is enclosed with this newsletter. If you , or anyone you know is interested, please let any of the other board members know... we need NEW Board Members!! So don't be shy, and find out how you can help today.
It is summer, and that means time for the Pre-Comp Swim program! This year's program will run from June 15th through August 15th. If you have siblings, other children, friends or associates with young children (from ages 4-18), who would like to learn how to swim the right way, sign them up NOW! Applications will be accepted from now until June 15th at the pool. If they register before June 8th the cost is only $125.00. If they register after that date it will be $150.00. The class limit is 50 swimmers this session.
To make this program a success we need lots of help. We need DCD Swimmers to help daily, and parents at the pool on registration days of June 8th and 12th. Plus we need parents at the pool to help start things out the week of June 15th-19th.
During the summer months, schedule changes are as follows:
Happy Birthday to the following DCD swimmers. Hope you have a great day and many more!
Good job to our high school swimmers! May, Lynn and Ruvi Dayao helped lead St. Ignatius' to the Girls High School Championship and then swam for S.I. at C.C.S. Laura Whyte was 4th and 5th for El Camino's varsity at P.A.L.'s and Liana Leung took 2 golds in the Soph-Frosh division for Westmoor.
On the boys side, Jonathan Fu set a record at the DeLaSalle Relays, and made C.C.S. for Serra. A.J. Vergara was their hardest working freshman. Roberto Calvo Y Perez was "the man" for Riordan's soph/frosh team.
On the academic front, Ruvirose Dayao is our only graduating senior this year, and is leaving S.I. for U.C. Santa Barbara. If that sounds familiar it is because she joins Kelvin Ng, Melissa Wales, and Rommel Soponvasu there!
Speaking of UCSB, Victor said he is free for June 11-12, and says if we can get the pool he would do a clinic for us. August is out, but if you're interested, sign the bottom of this Coaches Corner and return it to the pool by June 5th. He would like to keep it to DCD Swimmers this year, so mum is the word. The price would only be $25.00 per day/$50.00 for the whole clinic.
If you have not done so, be sure to send in your entries for the DACA Meet June 29-30, and the Tahoe Meet July 10-11. Meet sheets are at the pool. If you want to camp at the Lake Tahoe Meet call Johnny DeCastro or Madelyn Banares. They have 16 spots reserved for us.
Summer pre-comp will be June 15th to August 15th and the cost is $125.00 for early registrants. Tryouts at 4:30-5:00pm on June 1st-5th, and on June 8th and 12th. Price to sign up after the 12th of June is $150.00 if space is available. I will need ALL our senior group to help instruct at 4:00pm. starting on June 15th.
Practice times will change, and on June 15th, the new time is 4:00-6:30pm for summer hours. As a bonus for our senior swimmers, Mr. Wales will run a MORNING WORKOUT on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 6:00 am to 7:30am starting June 16th. Juniors may come with permission ONLY!
A big thank you to the parents who put on the DCD Charity Dance on May 23rd. WE had a lot of fun, and raised over $1,000.00 for the DCD Summer Outing!
The long course season is in full swing, and Nicky Leung, Kevin Dolar, and Chris Nguyen hit PRT times. Chris ended a great 10/under season in Monterey and is now in the 11-12 class with Benny Yau. Eddie Yau is now 9. Justin and A.J. Vergara did their Long Course at Los Altos along with Stanley Chen, Sky Corbelli, Ruth Dimagmaliw, Ashley-Ann Feria, Yoni and Talia Klein. Jeff Lu tried out IVAN and Lana Dongses swam at Stockton. ALL swimmers should try at least one long course meet this summer.
A final reminder that the pool will be CLOSED on June 9, 10, 11 for super-chlorination and repairs. Don't forget to sign up for the clinic below!
Swimmer's Name(s): ____________________
Phone Number: _______________________
Days you will attend (circle):
June 11   June 12
Enclose $25.00 per day/per swimmer for the
days you will be attending. Bring this form
to the pool by June 5th!
You are visitor #
since 11-16-97