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Great job swimmers!!!
We took 6th Place the Zone 1 North Championships. Our relays swam great and the 11-12 and 13-14 boys qualified for the Far Westerns in March.
Individual Meet Heroes were: 8/Unders Kevin Apolinario, Ruth Dimagmaliw, and Terence Leung. 11-12's Alex Banares, Chris Nguyen, Jonathan Stember, and Nicky Leung. 13-14's Justin Vergara, Jeffrey Lu, Marc Soriano, Sky Corbelli, and Stanley Chen. 15-16 May Dayao; and 17-18's Lyn Dayao, Jessifer Lu, and David Vallejo.
That's the highest score (895.5 points) and the highest place (6th) we've been in since the 1994's. Thank you to all who came to the meet.
At the Palo Alto Meet, the 8/Under girls relays were 3rd, and Melanie Chan recorded her first "A" time. Other new "A"s were Marc Apolinario, Ashley-Ann Feria, and Najelah Najdawi.
This month is the Annual Daly City Dolpha-Thon. During this big team event, our swimmers will swim 200 laps or 2 hours (whichever comes first) to raise money for the team. The swimmers get pledges from friends, neighbors, family, business acquaintances for each lap they swim. A sheet is included with this newsletter to introduce you, and to assist you in signing up pledges.
The annual Awards Dinner will be held after the senior swim on April 1st. Here is the schedule for those days: On Wednesday, March 31st, the junior swimmers will swim the Dolpha-Thon from 4:30-6:30pm. On Thursday, April 1st, the seniors will swim from 5:00 - 6:00pm (they need less time for 200 laps), and we will all gather for the Awards Banquet at 6:30pm.
Parents we must have your help counting laps. Each family should have at least one parent present to count and supervise this exciting and busy event.
PLEASE NOTE that the Awards Banquet will NOT be at Doelger Center this year. Due to conflicts in the room availability, we will meet at the Gellert Park Hall, right next to the Serramonte Library branch off Gellert Blvd. PLEASE BE THERE PROMPTLY SO WE CAN START ON TIME! The telephone committee will be calling you regarding Pot Luck needs.
The team meet for March will be at South San Francisco (it's a B-A+ Meet) at Oceana Pool on March 20-21. All DCD Swimmers should be at this meet since it's only in Pacifica and is the last short course (25 yards) meet of the season.
The first long course meet (50 meters) is at Foothill College on April 16-18th. The meet sheets are at the pool for both meets.
Our Winter Outing will be March 6th to Soda Springs and hopefully, good weather.
We will have a guest coach from Norway watching practice from March 25th to April 15th. She found us on the Internet (thank you Savelli's) and is coming to learn how American kids train. Speaking of coaching, Marissa Richardson has a new job that will keep her from coaching the rest of the year. We wish her well in her "real" job, and thank her for her services the past few years.
Check out our NEW Daly City Dolphin Website! There's still lots to be done, but you can pull the page up and take a look at it at:
Happy Birthday to the following DCD swimmers. Hope you have a great day and many more!
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since 11-16-97