The Daly City Dolphins' Monthly Newsletter


VOLUME 4, NO. 11 - Daly City Park and Recreation Department - NOVEMBER 1997

Dolphin Swim Meet HERE!

The annual DCD Thanksgiving Invitational Meet is HERE! It's hard to believe one year has gone by already... but we need to get all the details together NOW. Here are some of the things we need the DCD families to do to make our meet a success:

  1. Get sponsors and advertisers for our Meet Program. Spaces run from $10.00 to $100.00 (from business card size to full page). Contact your business associates, friends, family, etc. and ask them to place an ad to support the team. It can be a "best wishes" ad to your swimmer, or a business ad promoting their business or product. In any case, get the ad to editor Gary Savelli right away. We need them in by the deadline of November 12th.

  2. Choose your area of service at the meet. We need help with the checking areas, food serving, parking lot attendants, runners... there is something for everyone to do, and it is REQUIRED that every family's parent(s) participate. You will be getting a call from the telephone committee signing you up for a spot on the parent meet "team". If you have questions, or want to know what areas need the most help, they can tell you. No prior experience or expertise is needed to help at the meet, so don't worry - we will train you completely!

  3. Donations for Snack Bar - Each year we ask families to donate items for the snack bar such as canned drinks, bottled water, cup-a-soups, etc. The phone committee will be calling you with details and needs.

  4. Meet Program Cover Contest - Swimmers, here is your chance to earn $25.00. Bring your meet program cover entry to the pool. The best cover (on a white 8« by 11 paper) wins the prize. Be creative - be neat - be prompt, and get that entry in to win right away!

  5. Parents, if your swimmers need team suits or swim supplies for the DCD Meet, you need to order NOW! Team suits are about $40.00 (girls) and $25.00 (boys); and you can order them by calling NorCal Swim Supplies (have your credit card and suit size ready). Their phone number is: 1-800-752-7946.

Swim Team News

DUES & FEES - Thank you to all the team families who paid their dues ON TIME this month! Remember, there is now a $5.00 late charge if your dues are mailed AFTER the deadline of the 10th of the month. So rush your dues at the beginning of each month.

USS SWIM REGISTRATION FEE TIME AGAIN - It is that time of the year when EVERY swimmer must pay the required USS Swim fees of $35.00, in addition to your team dues. Every swimmer must be a member of USS Swimming in order to be a team member, even if you do not go to meets regularly. Send the required fees in with your normal monthly dues before November 10th.

OTHER NEWS... - Get your entries in NOW for the DCD Thanksgiving Meet, and the Pacifica Meet. Both meets have limited space and fill up early. You need to get these entries in today.

The Pool will be CLOSED on November 27th and 28th, for Thanksgiving. There is no practice those two days.

Enclosed with this newsletter is a current emergency form which must be submitted to your child's coach at the pool. These forms must be updated annually.


Happy Birthday to the following DCD swimmers. Hope you have a great day and many more!

Coach's Corners

From Coach Wales . . .

Get Ready!! Our meet is this month. Make sure your entries are in for the D.C.D. Thanksgiving Invitational and the Pacifica December Meet. Entry sheets are at the pool for all the late people.

Ads are also due for our swim meet programs as well as the cover art. The team gives a $25.00 prize to the artist of the best cover submitted. Use 8« x 11 size white paper, and include Daly City Dolphins Invitational, the date (Nov.22-23, 1997) in your entry. Bring the cover to the pool or give it to Mr. Savelli.

Everyone is expected to swim at our meet, and help put it on. It is only once a year, and brings in over $7,000 to keep our dues low.

Small but mighty!!! Six of our 10/under boys took 4th out of 23 teams at the Rohnert Park Invitational. Nicky Leung, Kevin Dolar, Chris Nguyen, Andrew Alloro, Derrick Soriano, and Michael Rapadas walked off with the ribbons and medals and touched 1st in the 200 free and medley relay.

Good job!! Chris Nguyen is our latest AAA swimmer and Stanley Chen and Lana Dongses swam their first meets for DCD. Welcome to Karen Cerri our newest member of the senior team. And welcome to other new swimmers: Iresha and Iralyn Jequinto, Godofredo Patrona, Jacqueline and Sonia "Nataly" Zaldana, Doris Ching; Desiree Romero

Parents, now that daylight savings time is over, please don't keep the kids waiting in the dark for you. We will have the pre-comps out of the water by 6:00pm, and the juniors and seniors out of the water by 7:00pm.

From Mrs. K . . .

Let's have every swimmer come to practice from now 'till our DCD Swim Meet so we can swim fast, especially our relays. We need to be ready for the other teams, our best swims, and the MPM Meet. Daylight savings is on October 26th. Pick up your swimmers on time. If not, let them stay inside on the bleachers until you pick them up. Everybody have a Happy Halloween!

From Coach Catie . . .

I have really appreciated all of the hard work and consistency in those coming to practice. I would like to announce the Swimmer of the Month for my group: This month there are two, and they are brothers! That is, Eddy (also known as "Edmister") and Benny (also known as "Benmister") Yau. Congratulations guys! I can't wait to see you all at the next meet!

From Coach Marissa . . .

Keep up the good work pre-comps! The Team Meet is just around the corner and I hope that everyone does well. I'm glad that everyone has been coming to swim practice on time, and swimming very hard. I have seen much improvement since September. Good luck at the meet and have a Happy Halloween!

From Coach Jose . . .

First of all, I'd like to thank Mr. Wales, Mrs. K, and Catie for giving me the opportunity to help out with the team. I'd also like to thank Matt and the rest of the coaches for giving me pointers on certain skills which are helping me out. The swimmer of the month in my group is Ruth Dimagmaliw. She is improving more and more every day. Great job Ruth!! Keep up the good work.

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