Welcome to my skate site!

Here you'll find profiles, stats, and photos on various boarders, bikers, and bladers.

Thanks to everyone who has visited here since June 27, 1997. I have finally taken the time to overhaul the site and update the bios, and I appreciate the vists and feedback that make this site worth doing.

The updates are going slower than I had hoped, so I'm starting to post them now. Let me know what you think of the new design, and send over any info (news & links) that could be used in the bios.

Stop by the 'Related Links' section for promos and contests. And please feel free to suggest someone to include here.

Notes: Some pictures are from other sites; some are video stills from TV, and the warped tour pix were taken by me. Please note that you are on http://geocities.datacellar.net/Pipeline/2454, as someone has ripped off my entire site and is claiming it as their own (however, they neglected to check all their links and you may end up at my site anyway!)