What is CARRIT 2001?
CARRIT is an anagram for Chuck Anderson's Round Robin Invitational Tournament.
Therefore, it is a tournament.
It is run by Chuck Anderson.
It follows a round-robin format.
It is by invitation only.
It is being run in the year 2001.
And it involves boxing.
However, it is a derivative product of The Boxing Game.
The Boxing Game is an Internet boxing game that can be very addictive (you have been warned).
You create fighters with certain abilities.
They fight against similar fighters in one of 11 weight divisions.
Naturally, the objective is to become World Champion.
More modest objectives involve regional and continental championships.
The fights in each weight divisions are run once a week, pitting your strategy and tactics against those of your opponents. As manager, you receive a complete description of your fight. You must also manage your fighter's ability points and injury points.
Feel free to explore this site. You will find many examples of fight reports. But you must understand that these guys are the top managers in the game. Everyone started somewhere much lower, even these guys.
If you are interested in trying your hand at this game, you should know that your first fighter is free. In fact, you can have as many fighters as you like. The only condition is that only one fighter can be active each week. This is to allow you to try different weight divisions, different tactics and different ability combinations.
Here is where you will find The Boxing Game. Check it out; try it out. You might be very pleasantly surprised.