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Patrick's Home Page

A picture of Me

New Section!

I have now adopted the practise of having a Web Log, or Blog, wherein I gabble on about whatever I want with no pretense at continuity or themes such as you will find at the rest of my site. (That is, you will find the pretense.)

So without any further ado, go have a look at it.

This is the page where I tell the universe about myself. As Geocities had no sections devoted to "Pointless Ego Trips" I decided to place this in "Pipeline" as many of my hobbies can be described as extreme.

As such I will have to include all the standard homepage things such as an email link, and a picture of myself.

Now some people have emailed me to complain that my picture has not come out properly. It is in fact a special process that has been used to produce this effect called solarization. To learn more about it click here.

Below I have a series of links to my other pages, there is a fair amount of stuff in there so enjoy...


The Technocrats Intellectual Review

A fastlane into the OTHER infomation superhighway, the world of books. Access all the resources of our 5 000 year old civilisation. Become educated in a little over one week. Learn how to save the world, become wildly rich, and subvert the entrenched social paradigm for less than a night on the town.

Me hanging from a laybackClick here for my extreme sports page.

This is pretty normal consisting of photos of my friends and I risking our lives in various manners associated with philosophical discourses on why.

Sitting in front of some cool EquipmentClick here for my extreme hobbies page.

Actually this is not a hobby photo at all, but I somehow don't have any hobby photos, possibly for legal reasons. This will still take you to the pages though.

This is in fact a picture of me at work. At present I work at an interesting tech company, but just in case I will include my CV here.

Why I don't raceClick here for my extreme car page.

No, my car is not as extreme as the one in the picture, but I am working on it.

Korean Bell TowerClick here for my Working Trip to Korea

After a walk

My trip to Tasmania a tale of lost trails, marauding sheep and a pirate named Leslie Mchulisse.


These are some stories I have written:


Clarke and Bruce

The Alfred Papers (unrelated to Clarke and Bruce)

Carving (a poem)

The Game

