VeloSapiens MTBProgramming

going the distance

 CXPRO Software Download

If you want a free (for now, when it's perfected i'll probably charge $20 or so) program to provide results for cyclocross races, this is the place. To use cx pro, do the following:
  1. Download (50kb or so)
  2. Downoad or otherwise obtain a Java Virtual Machine 1.2 or later. You can get this from the Sun Microsystems for Windows or Solaris (10 mb or so. do this at work, not over a modem if you can). If you have a Mac, look around. I think 1.2 is released for mac now, but I don't have it.
  3. Install the Java Virtual Machine (aka Java Runtime Environment, or JRE), following the installation instructions. It's pretty painless nowadays. You may have to change the path setting on your computer. The JRE instructions are pretty clear on this i think.
  4. create a directory on your c drive, called cxpro, put the downloaded file ( in it, and unzip it. (using winzip or the the free zipping utility of your choice. if you don't have winzip, get it from
  5. You should see the following files in the directory c:\cxpro : cxpro.jar, archive.dat and cxpro.bat, plus a /help directory. If you installed properly, you can just double click on cxpro.bat (or type "cxpro" from the the Dos prompt in the c:\cxpro directory. If you put it in another directory, you may have to edit cxpro.bat to reflect your directory structure. If you pay me a bunch of money, i might make a brainless install program for you, but for free, you have to follow directions.
  6. That's all there is to it. The first time you run it, you'll get a message that the file "" file could not be found. No problem, just click Save Configuration on the Configuration view and a local copy of the properties file will be automatically created for you.
  7. Click on introduction.htm for help and instructions on using the file. I put them together in a hurry. I'll put a little more work into the help next week and provide a separate download of just the help files. Your questions and comments will assist me in making the help helpful.
  8. If the program window is all broken up and has squares missing and generally looks lame, you may have windows 3d cursors and pointers enabled. Use the pointers tab of the control panel/mouse properties dialog to switch the scheme to <none> instead of 3d pointers, and it should fix the problem.
  9. Email me at the address below and tell me what you think, and what you'd like to see in the program, or if you have questions. This will help me focus on the right things as i work on the program and the help file.

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