What I Did

You should go to Angband.com to get started. That's how I found this MUD. I don't know why they designed their help pages the way they did, but it's dumb. Everything else is pretty cool.

Stuff To Help You Get Started. This is what I did, anyhow.

That should get you started off nicely. Remember to save your money for stats. Experience won't hold you back from advancing levels nearly as much as stats will.

Antknei, a friend of mine on The Two Towers, has made it clear that he doesn't agree with my strategies, and I think if I had it to do over again, I would change some of them. These are just things that I did, and I think will help you. I think if I were to do it over again, I would take more "chances". Really, the only chance I took when I was "new" was I went north, found a hut, and got sceward (sp) by a troll. Think I'll go back and have a talk with that there troll...


Remember, this is a HUGE game, and not meant to be simple. You will not get very far the first 4 or 5 hours you play, but it will start to pick up. Always try to make friends. They are very important.

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