What I Did
You should go to Angband.com to get started. That's how I found this MUD. I don't know why they designed their help pages the way they did, but it's dumb. Everything else is pretty cool.
Stuff To Help You Get Started. This is what I did, anyhow.
- First, take the Message Stone. It helps you to send and recieve messages, and to Legend characters.
- Next type "wimpy" so you don't get killed easily, you will try to run off if your hit points get too low.
- Then read the help files. Just type help.
- You are then ready to find some weapons. Go to an NPC (non-player character) and look at him. Usually one of the first people you see will be an NPC. Somewhere in their description he will say "smile at me" or "bow to me" or something and if you do it, he will give you wooden weapons. Wear the wooden shield he gives you.
- Where ever you are, make your way to Hobbiton. Inside Hobbiton are Bag End, and Bywater. Hobbiton is a very important town, one which you'll visit a lot.
- Once your there, start killing Bees. Bees are easy.
- Once you think you've muscled-up enough bees, go to Bree.
- When your at Bree, go to the sandbox and kill children. It's not very honorable, but it's got to be done. Kill enough kids to get a knife.
- Once you have purchased (or found) a knife, it's time to choose a profession. You'll figure that out on your own.
- Start killing small animals. Squirrels, Chipmunks, and Rabbits are easy, and you can skin them and sell their pelts. There are a lot of squirrels tword the southern end of the "Old Forest".
- If your smart you'll invest in a backpack. They usually sell for 34 to 40 gold and you can put 4 pelts in them (small pelts, not deer pelts) this will speed up the advancement process.
That should get you started off nicely. Remember to save your money for stats. Experience won't hold you back from advancing levels nearly as much as stats will.
Antknei, a friend of mine on The Two Towers, has made it clear that he doesn't agree with my strategies, and I think if I had it to do over again, I would change some of them. These are just things that I did, and I think will help you. I think if I were to do it over again, I would take more "chances". Really, the only chance I took when I was "new" was I went north, found a hut, and got sceward (sp) by a troll. Think I'll go back and have a talk with that there troll...
- My first tip for those of you old enough (once you get past level 5 or so) is to start using the auction heavily. I only rescenly discovered the auction and I am amazed at how much money I wasted buying ESS's from those freakin' market owners.
- If I had it to do over again, I would have spent more time going to Grey Havens, and the White Towers. I didn't explore very much, and this would have been alot faster to advance.
- Before you get to level 6 (I think) get the family crest for Simon just as often as you can. He'll give you 50 gold for it, and the knives and darts you get from the bandits are worth about 15 gold a piece.
there will be more
Remember, this is a HUGE game, and not meant to be simple. You will not get very far the first 4 or 5 hours you play, but it will start to pick up. Always try to make friends. They are very important.
You can go back to my Angband Page
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