I hate to do this, because it will seem like I'm copying off Rathmar some more, but I have to. I had the weirdest dream ever last night. It was one of those dreams where you wake up and think it really happened. Ok, I'll begin:
Whew! This is kind of embarrasing.
Ok: I'm at Adam Weiss's house. I'm in his room (which doesn't look anything like his room, I might add) and his sister is also. Now, his sister (whose name isn't to be mentioned) and I have sex (I don't know where this occured, but as far as I can tell, Adam was there the whole time) I didn't dream about the sex, but it was implied. Now, this is where it get's out of hand. I'm down the street from Adams house on main street (I know it's main street because it's my dream) reading the newspaper. Here let me tell you that there aren't any towns anywhere near mine or Adam's house. We live in the sticks. Really. You have to drive through a stream to get to my house. Anyhow, I'm in town (which doesn't exist) and I'm reading the newspaper. The comics in the newspaper have a comic about me and Adam's sister (whose name isn't to be mentioned) having sex. Weird. Not only that, but everyone knows, and I just found out that Adam's sister (whose name isn't to be mentioned) is pregnant. So I'm talking to Jon Harden. I don't know why. We're talking about the Bible. I tell him he should only read the "King James" Bible. I still don't know where that came from. So, Jon and I talk a bit, and then I leave. I go back to Adam's house, and I'm sitting on their porch. There are a bunch of people over there. There is a bus in front of their house. The bus is calling these people into it. One of them is Jacob Hart's brother. There is a broken gate in front of their house that won't open. (They don't have a gate in front of their house).
I don't even know what to think about this dream. It bothers me. Adam's sister (whose name isn't to be mentioned) is an attractive girl, but the comics thing... I don't know. I half remember something about her dad, but I'm not sure where it fit in, or even if it did. Man, there must be something wrong with my head.

And there it is. 1