My rules(nothing is unchangeble)

Be honest when rating shows and the length of shows.
Fill any extra space at least 10 minutes long with something else from that band. I will do the same in less we specify.
Blank trades I will do if you are in the states and you must send your tapes right after we confirm. The normal 2:1. If you have videos I will trade you 2 audios for it. If I happen to atain some Videos I will trade them for a blank rate of 4:1. Audio tapes, not video.
My Vinyles themselves are not up for trade unless I specificaly mention it. I will have recordings of them for trade unless you really want something and prove it to me(usaully with plenty of tapes I want)I will consider it. If you really want it the blank policy for a 7" is 6:1 or 5:1 with shows on em. But there are some vinyles that I won't trade.
Use Maxell XLII tapes or TDKII. When doing a 2:1 only my tape or tapes must be these brands.
don't cut songs
Definatley send setlist that are made on the computer or if not write on J-cards neatly. If you don't have the setlist please tell me cuz I'll find out eventaully and it doesn't mean I won't do the trade it is just something I want to know. I of course will do the same.
Don't send cases in less of course it is a blank, but do send j-cards.
always check with me before doing a blank. I will always do them.
for every 1 tape you are getting back for a blank send 2 stamps. i.e. 2:1 =2 STAMPS. 4:2= 4 stamps

That is about it so look at my shows and set up a trade. 1