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  Rant of the week  October 6, 1999  

Happy New Year

Every year that passes,
it gets harder to get into college,
especially if you're a person of color.
Every year that passes,
it gets easier to get into prison,
especially if you're a person of color.
Every year that passes, politicians talk about:
"Getting Tough On Crime"
"Fighting The War On Drugs"
"Keeping Our City Streets Safe And Clean"
Every year that passes, more prisons
get built with taxpayer's money.
Every year that passes, the number of public colleges
fails to meet the increase of college applicants.
Every year that passes, more students see their lives
going nowhere and decide
to end them in an orgy of destruction,
let loose on themselves and/or others that they know.
Every year that passes more movies come
out about teenagers doing drugs,
having sex, and shooting people.
Every year that passes, the goverments
of the world decide something is wrong
and only unrestricted force can solve it.
Every year that passes, someone somewhere
does something to stop the growing
tide of ignorance and inhumanity

- American Pig Bob

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I'm finishing up putting the last year's issue of Rant on the site. Not all the categories have anything in them yet. That will change.

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