Teachers shouldn't have guns!

I don't care what Ted says, mancow is an idiot. The other day, a teacher called in to his show requesting that high school teachers be supplied with bullet proof vests. Mancow accepted this, but begun elaborating how all teachers should carry guns supported by taxpayer money to potencially lower death tolls in shootings like the recent one at Columbine High School. Just the day before I heard this, I overheard Brij telling about how he once snapped and threw a chair because a student was using too many color cartriges and because of a tough work day. Brij, however is a totally rational, nice guy, which is exactly my point; anyone can snap, especially teachers who have to deal with hundreds (at public schools, of course) of children, many of whom can get on one's nerves. Teachers are not gods, and are liable to snap at any time. Sure Brij wouldn't have killed anyone, but putting a un where every teacher in the country can grab it and pull the trigger within seconds (not much time to recover from snapping) gives decent odds that it can hapen a lot. Sure, it may have lowered the casualty rate of twenty three at Columbine, but most of these shootings result in only five or ten of them. Most likely, about half of thse would have occured by the time a teacher noticed, then they have to whip it out and aim, assuming they're psycologically prepared, which I don't think is likely. Besides, who wants to be taught by someone who they've watched kill someone. Then there's false alarms, which could be pretty traumatic considering it would involve a teacher you potentially admire sticking a gun in your face. If they really want to stop these shootings, they should just prevent gun sales.

-American Pig-Bob 

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