Welcome to the D Crew Homepage. The D Crew is a club that celebrates the enjoyment of having fast cars that don't look "ricey" and are very fast. If you don't know what "ricey" means, please take a look at Bryan's Rice Boy Pagetm to get a full explanation of this term.
The Crew, which does not disclose its modifications to the public, own a variety of cars. We are not prejudice to any car, unless its truly a piece of crap (a.k.a. "Ricey"). This variety ranges from Japanese, American and German.
At various times during the month, the Crew's members get together to some work and then *some* play. The unity of the Crew is strong since we have basically known each other for more than 10 years.
Right now, the Crew is only 5 members strong, yet we are always willing to expand. Just email acrensh@linfield.edu for more information about joining or just to kick it. Also, if you have a club or crew like ours, please email or sign our guestbook.