***** Do not modifiy this HTML. ***** ***** Instead, modify the template.htm file. ***** Dawn, Potomac River, July 2000

Dawn, Potomac River, July 2000

Potomac Boat Club's women's sweeps squad prepares for the national championships. Bouts of furious effort alternate with moments of calm as the athletes position their boats for the next start.

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As the women finish their warmups the morning's first rays create a tranquil mood. It won't last.
Are you ready? Go! Water flies as the fours launch into a start and twenty high.
Just enough time to stretch a sore back before the next set of pieces.
Lightweight pair shows its strength in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
Starts in small boats mean less flying water, but no less effort to get the hull up to speed.

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Generated on 07/24/01 1