
Eqiupment is one of the most important parts about bodyboarding. With the wrong eqiupment a lot can go wrong. We will cover all of the major areas with eqiupment.


Wetsuits can be such a hassle, if you don't know what you are looking for or you have no knowledge on the subject. First the three suits that I would definitly recommend would be Billabong, Rip Curl, and O'neill. Any other suit I don't know what to tell you, except I wouldn't do it. I ride in New Jersey at the dead of winter with a Billabong 2001 Series 4/3 (super warm). I ride with 5mm boots and gloves and a 2mm hood.(All Rip Curl). I am warm except my hands tend to get a bit chilly. Before you buy a suit talk to your local surf shop and look around for the best deals.


Boards, buying a board can also be another difficult task. I was told (I don't know if it is true or not) that a board should go up to your belly button. I would recommend a Toobs (I ride with a Toobs Single), BSD (Ben Severson Designs), some Morey Boogie's, BZ, R-Lite, Manta, Custom X, and Rheopiro. (There are some others I just can't think of them). You also have to keep in my what you are looking for if you are a "BENNY" buy a piece of crap styrofoam and don't go out when it's big. If you are looking for a dropknee(one knee up, one knee down) board then you want to go a liitle bit bigger board. If you are looking for a prone(stomach) board then you want to go for a little bit smaller board. Once again you should talk to the local shops and check around for the best deals.


Fins, all fins will do the basic job, but some of them will do a little bit better job. I would recommend bodyboarding fins.(Some people try to ride with the diving fins Ha). I ride with Toobs Bluntcuts and Hydros. They are both good but they tend to cramp up a little bit, but I would think that every fin does that if they fit right. Toobs, Hydros, Redleys, Churchills, The New Churchills, (They are supposed to be more comfortable and improved, but I don't really like the churchills) Vipers, Wave Rebels, and Amtecs. Again the more serious riders are seeming to stick to the Vipers, Toobs, and Churchills. When you go to buy these your fins you should keep in mind if you want to get fins for dropknee or prone. For dropkneer's i would recommend Toobs, Hydros or Vipers (Vipers are only sold on the west coast now). For Prone riders you would probaly want to go with the Churchills or Redleys. Once again check with the local shops and look around for the best deals.

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