Bassai Dai
From yoi, step the right leg alongside the left leg. Clasp the closed right fist into the left hand to gedan level, keeping the knees slightly flexed.
Combination 1
Fall forward, stepping at the last minute on the right leg, bringing the left leg behing the right leg into kosa dachi. Without taking the right fist out of your left hand strike tetsui uchi wiht the forefinger side of your fist to the side of your advancing opponents neck.
Kiai on the tetsui uchi.
Combination 2
Take the left leg behind, turning towards 6 o'clock into a long zenkutsu dachi. Block sieken uchi uke to chudan with the left arm.
Slide the left leg back slightly into a shorter zenkutsu dachi, blocking sieken uchi uke with the right arm.
Combination 3
Take the left leg across in front of the right leg, turning back to face 12 o'clock in right zenkutsu dachi. Block chudan soto uke with the left hand, followed by chudan uchi uke with the right hand.
Turn into right heisoku dachi, facing towards 3 o'clock, scooping the right arm as if snaring a mae geri from an opponent who is standing at 3 o'clock. As the feet draw parallel into heisoku dachi, raise the right arm up so that your elbow is level with your right shoulder (as if you are driving the snared leg up in the air).
Step the right leg forward, into right neko dachi, blocking chudan soto uke with the right arm, followed by chudan uchi uke with the left arm.
Straighten up into heisoku dachi, facing towards 12 o'clock, pulling both hands back to the right hip, fists closed and stacked left hand over right.
Combination 4
Step out on the right leg into long zenkutsu dachi, but still facing towards 12 o'clock. Strike tetsui uchi with the left arm, as if to an opponent facing you.
Step right leg back up into heisoku dachi, punching chudan gyaku zuki.
Step out on left leg into long zenkutsu dachi, still facing towards 12
o'clock. Block chudan uchi uke with the right arm, as if to an attack
coming from 12 o'clock
Step left leg back up into heisoku dachi, punching chudan gyaku zuki.
Step out on the right leg into long zenkutsu dachi, still facing 12 o'clock, blocking chudan uchi uke with the left arm.
Combination 5
Step forward on the right leg (towards 12 o'clock) into right neko dachi, blocking shuto gedan barai with the right hand. Step forward on the left leg into left neko dachi, block shuto gedan barai with the left hand. Step forward on the right leg into right neko dachi, block shuto gedan barai with the right hand.
Step back into left neko dachi, blocking ura uke with the left hand, and then gripping kakate with both hands. Thrust right shuto uchi into the opponents shoulder, as you switch from left neko dachi into left zenkutsu dachi. Grip the opponent by the collar with both hands, pulling them forward as you execute gedan yoko geri with the right leg (pulling both hand back hikite to the respective hips).
Kiai on the yoko geri.
As the yoko geri is retracted, place the right foot on the floor towards 12 o'clock, turning briskly towards 6 o'clock into left neko dachi, blocking shuto uchi with the left hand.
Combination 6
Step forward (towards 6 o'clock) into right neko dachi, once more blocking with right shuto uchi.
Step the right leg back into right moto dachi. Raise both arms above the head, fists together and slide forward slightly, urashi, bringing both hands down in an arc, striking double tetsui to both lower ribs.
Step into a long zenkutsu dachi with the right leg, punching chudan oizuki with the right hand.
Slowly, draw the left leg up to the right leg (feet togehter), looking over the left shoulder towards 12 o'clock, blocking slowly sieken gedan barai with the left arm, as the right arm is raised above the head (elbow bent 90 degrees, level with the right shoulder.
Combination 7
Step the right leg forward into kiba dachi, so that you have turned through 180 degrees and are facing towards 9 o'clock. Block sieken gedan barai with the right arm, to an attacker coming from 12 o'clock.
Slide the right leg up to the left leg, into heisoku dachi. Pull the right hand back chambered to the right hip, striking jodan tetsui uchi with the left hand. Open the left hand, kicking jodan mikizuki geri with the right leg, into the left hand. Place right left down into right zenkutsu dachi (towards 6 o'clock) using the left hand to pull the opponent on to a right empi strike.
Block as if sieken gedan barai with the right hand, bringing the left fist to the right bicep. Repeat by blocking as if sieken gedan barai with the left arm, right fist to left bicep, and then finally block as if sieken gedan barai with the right arm, left fist to right bicep once more.
Remaining in right zenkutsu dachi, pull both hand back stacked to the left hip (right hand on top) and punch yama zuki (double punch) with the right hand striking chudan, the left hand striking jodan. Keep the right elbow tight against the right ribs.
Pull back the right leg so that both feet are together (toes touching) and hands are stacked to the right hip (left hand on top). Step forward on the left leg, into left zenkutsu dachi. Punch yama zuki once more, right hand jodan.
Final time, pull back the left leg so that feet are touching, stack hands to the left hip. Step forward on the right leg, right zenkutsu dachi. Punch yama zuki, left hand jodan.
Combination 8
Take the left leg (the rear leg) all the way behind into zenkutsu dach, so that feet lie along the line from 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock. Facing towards 12 o'clock, drop low to the left, scooping right arm underneath a mae geri coming from 12 o'clock, sieken ura uke.
Keeping the feet where they are, shift the weight towards right zenkutsu dachi, simultaneously performing the same scooping motion (sieken ura uke) with the left arm.
Combination 9
Pull the right leg back into neko-dachi, facing towards 1 o'clock. Parry with the right hand, as if blocking shuto uke.
Pull the right leg back so that you are in left zenkutsu dachi, facing 12 o'clock. Gripping tori's arm with both hands, throw towards 6 o'clock by circling both arms down towards the rear (right leg).
Combination 10
Pull the left leg back into left neko dachi, facing towards 11 o'clock. Block shuto uke with the right hand, but this time the palm of the right hand should be facing down towards the floor.
End of Kata
Step the left leg back to the right leg. Clasp the closed right fist in the left hand, gedan level, knees slightly bent.
On completion, step forward slightly into yoi.
Major kata, therefore finish with neote.