


From yoi, step the right leg alongside the left leg. Clasp the closed right fist into the left hand to chudan level, keeping the knees slightly flexed.

Combination 1

Step the left leg straight back into right zenkutsu dachi, blocking chudan ura uke with the right hand, and circling the left hand down into sieken gedan barai.

Combination 2

Bring the left leg back alongside the right leg. Look over right shoulder towards 3 o'clock. Step the left leg out towards 9 o'clock into right kokutsu dachi (weight over the left leg). Block sieken gedan barai with the right hand, as the left hand blocks similar to soto uke, behind the head.

Keeping the feet in the same position, shift weight over the right leg, into left kokutsu dachi. Block sieken gedan barai with the left arm, block similar to soto uke with the right hand, behind the head.

Combination 3

Turn towards 9 o'clock, so that you are in left zenkutsu dachi. Pull the left hand back hikite to the left hip, then block jodan age uke with the left hand. Step forward and punch oi zuki with the right hand.

Combination 4

Look over the right shoulder towards 3 o'clock. Pull the right hand back sharply to the right hip; block jodan age uke with the right hand, stepping forward into left zenkutsu dachi and punching oi zuki chudan with the left hand.

Combination 5

Look over the left shoulder, towards 12 o'clock. Take the left leg round into shiko dachi (facing towards 3 o'clock), striking chudan tetsui with the left hand. With the same hand, rotate the wrist anti-clockwise, performing kakate.

With the right hand in the small of the back, step forward on the right leg into shiko dachi, facing towards 9 o'clock. Pull the left hand back to the solar plexus, maintaining the kakate, stretching out your opponents arm, with their elbow facing downwards. As the right hand emerges from behind the back, palm facing upwards, strike up as if applying pressure underneath the opponents humerus.

Rotate the right hand, gripping kakate. Step forward on the left leg, into shiko dachi, facing towards 3 o'clock. Repeat the same manouveur as above, pulling the right hand back to the solar plexus, applying the lock with the left palm heel.

Finally, perform kakate one more time with the left hand, stepping into shiko dachi facing 9 o'clock, and applying the pressure to the elbow with the right hand.

Ensure that the hand which strikes under the elbow in the straight-arm lock emerges each time from the small of the back.

Combination 6

Looking over the left shoulder, turn towards 5 o'clock, into left neko dachi. Bring both hands up, closed fists, in front of the face and then break downwards and out to the side, as if breaking a lapel grab.

Kick mae geri with the right leg, landing into right zenkutsu dachi. Perform double punch (right oizuki, left gyaku zuki) to chudan level, then perform double block (right ura uchi uke, left ura gedan barai).

Combination 7

Look over the right shoulder, towards 7 o'clock. Turn into right neko dachi. Bring both hands up, closed fists, to the face, performing the break from the lapel grab once more.

Kick mae geri with the left leg, landing in left zenkutsu dachi. Perform double punch (left oizuki, right gyaku zuki) to chudan level, then perform double block (left ura uchi uke, right ura gedan barai).

Combination 8

Looking over the right shoulder, take the right leg all the way behind so that you are facing toward 3 o'clock, in shiko dachi. Strike chudan tetsui with the right hand.

Looking behind, over the left shoulder, take the left leg all the way around so that you are in shiko dachi, facing towards 9 o'clock. Strike chudan tetsui with the left hand.

Look over the left shoulder, take the left leg around so that you perform chudan tetsui with the left hand once more, in shiko dachi, facing towards 6 o'clock. Looking over the left shoulder, towards 3 o'clock, punch shoulder level twice - first with the left hand, then with the right hand.

Kiai on the second punch.

Combination 9

Take the left leg all the way behind the right leg, and turn into shiko dachi, facing towards 12 o'clock. Block sieken gedan barai with the left hand (as if a mae geri is coming from an attacker at 12 o'clock) as you block chudan uchi uke with the right hand.

Swiftly, continue the right hand downwards, performing right sieken gedan barai. Do not pull the left hand back to the chambered position, instead leaving it in the previous position for the gedan barai.

Pull both hand into the hips and then up, sieken, in front of the eyes, once more breaking downwards on a lapel grasp. Perform double short punch to jodan, first with the left hand, then with the right hand.

Kiai on the second short punch.

Combination 10

This combination is identical to combination 3 - left zenkutsu dachi, left age uke, step forward into right oi zuki.

Combination 11

Identical to combination 4 - look over the right shoulder, right age uke, left oi zuki.

End of Kata

Step the left leg back past the right leg, then follow by bringing the right leg back to the left leg. Clasp the closed right fist in the left hand, solar plexus level, knees slightly bent.

On completion, step forward slightly into yoi.

Major kata, therefore finish with neote.

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