SKA - Shukokai Combinations

1a. Step forward, right punch to the face, left thrust to the body.
1b. Change stance and guard, step forward, left punch to the face, right thrust to the body.

2a. Slide in, right stomach punch, left thrust to the body.
2b. Slide in, right stomach punch, left face punch, right thrust to the body.

3a. Slide in, left punch to face (maeken), right thrust to body.
3b. Slide in, left maeken to face, right stomach punch, left thrust to body.

4a. Right front kick to stomach, right face punch, left thrust to body.
4b. Right front kick to stomach, right face punch (on one leg), drop down, left thrust to body.

5a. Right feint/thrust at same time step up with right leg, left front kick, right punch, left thrust to body.
5b. Rock back into cat stance, left shuto uke, left front kick, right punch, left thrust to body.

6a. Step back (left leg), right jodan shuto uke, left stomach punch, right thrust to body.
6b. Step back (left leg), right jodan shuto uke, punch and thrust, step forward left jodan shuto uke, right punch and thrust.

7a. Slide in leading hand downward block (open hand), right stomach punch, left thrust to body.
7b. Avoid 45º to left, left-hand sweep, right punch to back, left thrust.

8a. Right feint to face (lean in), step forward, left stomach punch, right thrust to body.
8b. Right feint to face (lean in), right front kick to stomach.

9a. Slide in, right foot sweep (ashi barai), right face punch, left thrust to body.
9b. Skip up (right leg), left foot sweep, left uraken jodan.

10a. Slide in, double open hand block (left pivot down, right up) left maeken to head, right thrust to body.
10b. Slide in, double block (as 10a), grab, right ashi barai, drop into shikodachi, same time double hand throw (left palm up, right down), right downward punch.
