Kururunfa Kata

"Holding your Ground"



From yoi, perform neote (presentation), bringing both hands out in front of the body, waist height, in mosubi dachi.

Combination 1

From yoi, turn into left neko dachi towards 9 o'clock, blocking shuto uke with the left hand and bringing the right hand back opened, to the solar plexus. Kick gedan fumikomi yoko-geri with the left leg, as if breaking the attacker's knee.

Turn directly towards 3 o'clock, blocking right shuto uke, bringing the left hand back opened, and to the solar plexus. Kick gedan fumikomi yoko-geri with the right leg.

Combination 2

Turn and face towards 12 o'clock in right sanchin dachi, blocking ura uke with the right hand and blocking gedan shuto ura uke with the left hand. Twisting the body down towards the left hand, into a short kokutsu dachi, bring the left hand up as if blocking shuto uke (or covering the left side of the face) whilst making as if to strike to the groin, palm open towards the ground, with the right hand. Straighten up into right sanchin dachi once again, performing the same initial movement, with right hand blocking ura uke chudan, and left hand blocking gedan shuto ura uke.

This sequence of movements demonstrate an excellent escape from a front strangle, into a centre lock. The first sequence of blocks break the strangle, lifting the opponents right hand up and knocking their left hand downwards. The second "block" suggests that the right hand grabs opponents right hand, thumb to the back of the hand, whilst the left hand covers the face. Straightening up into sanchin dachi, the opponents right arm is twisted clockwise, whilst the left-hand comes down into the crook of the elbow applying nikkyo, taking opponent straight down to the ground.

Combination 3

Step forward into left sanchin dachi. Perform the same combination as for combination 2, except that the blocks are performed with the opposite arms.

Combination 4

Step forward into right neko dachi, performing identical sequence as combination 2, from the same side.

Combination 5

Step the right leg back into left neko dachi, facing towards 10 o'clock. Perform suki uke with the left hand (scooping block, palm up), whilst the right hand comes back to the solar plexus, open with the palm facing 10 o'clock also. Thrust the right hand forward so that the heel of the right hand touches the heel of the left hand (as if catching a punch). Slide forward, urashi, in left neko dachi, punching jodan tsuki age with the left hand. Kick attacking mae geri with the right leg, landing forward into shiko dachi. Deflect a punch downwards with the left hand (stopping at the solar plexus) whilst striking empi with the right elbow, bringing the open hand all the way behind the head.

Step the right leg behind until facing towards 12 o'clock, in left neko dachi. Stack both hands in front of the body, left hand on top, right hand on the bottom.

Combination 6

Step the left leg back once more, into right neko dachi, facing towards 2 o'clock. Perform suki uke with the right hand, whilst the left hand comes back to the solar plexus, open with the palm facing 2 o'clock also. Thrust the left hand forward so that the heel of the left hand touches the heel of the right hand (as if catching a punch). Slide forward, urashi, in right neko dachi, punching jodan tsuki age with the right hand. Kick attacking mae geri with the left leg, landing forward into shiko dachi. Deflect a punch downwards with the right hand (stopping at the solar plexus) whilst striking empi with the left elbow, bringing the open hand all the way behind the head.

Step the left leg behind until facing towards 12 o'clock, in right neko dachi. Stack both hands in front of the body, right hand on top, left hand on the bottom.

Perform mawashi uke with both hands, right hand upwards, left hand downwards, thrusting the left hand to the face and the right hand to the body.

Combination 7

Turn towards 9 o'clock, into left sanchin dachi. Peform left shuto uchi uke, chambering the right fist. Perform kakate with the left hand, stepping the right leg across in front of the left. Turn through 180 degrees, into left sanchin dachi (facing towards 3 o'clock), and perform empi with the right elbow to an opponent behind.

Combination 8

Circle the right foot forward, into right sanchin dachi. Perform right shuto uchi uke, chambering the left fist. As for combination 7, perform kakate with the right hand, before stepping the left foot across the right leg, turning through 180 degrees and performing empi with the left elbow to an opponent behind. Direction is now towards 9 o'clock.

Take the right leg round, so that you are facing towards 12 o'clock, in heiko dachi. Bring the left hand round into the raised right elbow (not performing empi with the right hand, but end position is the same).

Combination 9

Open both arms outstretched to the side, parallel to the floor, as if striking double tetsui. Raise both hands high above the head, palms open and towards the face, touching both hands at the shuto edge of the hand. Lower the hands, until they are in front of the face, then drive the head back, as if to an opponent's face, as they are holding you in a full nelson. Drop both feet out into shiko dachi, striking both hands behind your buttocks, to the opponents groin.

Kiai on groin strike.

Combination 10

Step forward on the right leg, into right zenkutsu dachi. Perform juji age uke, with both hands open. Continue to step the left leg up beside the right leg, pivoting through 180 degrees (towards 6 o'clock) and driving both hands down to the ground, knees bent, fists closed.

This may be considered as a naked choke, followed by a hip throw technique which lands the opponent in the choke.

Combination 11

Imagine opponent is attacking from 8 o'clock position, with a lunge punch (oi tsuki). Step forward on the right leg towards 8 o'clock, in a low zenkutsu dachi, dropping under the punch. Sweep the opponents forward leg, utilising a scissor action with the hands - right hand placed just above the ankle and left hand striking just above the knee.

Kyusho Jitsu bunkai would involve attacking 2 points on the Spleen meridian. The lower hand strikes Sp 6, 4 cun above the calcaneus bone, whilst the upper hand strikes Sp 11, 4 cun above the patella, along the femoral nerve.

Combination 12

Similar to combination 11, opponent attacks from 4 o'clock position, with a lunge punch. Step into a low zenkutsu dachi with the left leg forward, with the left hand attacking the lower leg and the right hand attacking just above the knee.

Combination 13

Keeping the left leg where it is, bring the right leg all the way behind, until you are in left neko ashi dachi, facing back towards 12 o'clock. Both hands should be stacked by the right hand side, left hand open on top, right hand open on bottom. Perform mawashi uke, left hand circling upwards, right hand circling downwards, striking double teisho - jodan with the left, chudan with the right.

End of Kata

Step up with the right leg into yoi. Major kata, therefore finish with neote.

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