Pinan Nidan Kata


Combination 1

The attacker comes from the left hand side. Look over the left shoulder, drop into nekoashi dachi, blocking uchi otoshi with the left arm. Step forward on the right leg, punching chudan oizuki with the right arm.

Combination 2

Similar to combination 1, from the right side. The opponent is attacking from behind; preempt the attack by looking over the right shoulder. Imagine that the opponent is attacking with a front kick; take your right leg round behind, blocking seiken gedan barai with the right arm. Slide the right foot back, dropping into cat stance and blocking uchi otoshi with the right hand. Finish the attacker by stepping through on the left leg, and attacking chudan oizuki with the left hand.

Combination 3

Look over your left shoulder, at the attacker who is now attacking you from your left (in the direction you faced at the start of the kata). Take your left leg round to the front, stepping into a long zenkutsu dachi, blocking downwards with the left hand, seiken gedan barai. Continuing in the same direction, step forward 3 times into zenkutsu dachi, blocking age uke.

Kiai on the third age uke, dropping into a slightly lower stance.

Combination 4

Our next attacker is now attacking us from behind, at a 45 degree tangent. Look over the left shoulder. Your right leg should currently be forward; take your left leg behind, so that you are now in zenkutsu dachi, facing the attacker. Block seiken gedan barai with the left hand. Continue in the same direction, stepping forward on the right leg, attacking chudan oizuki.

Combination 5

This attacker is symmetrical to the previous opponent. Look over the right shoulder, preparing to turn through 90 degrees. Take your front (right) leg round 90 degrees to the opposite corner, blocking seiken gedan barai with your right hand. Step forward on the left leg into a long zenkutsu dachi, punching chudan oizuki.

Combination 6

Attacker is now coming from 6 o'clock. Look over your left shoulder; follow by taking the left leg round into zenkutsu dachi, at the same time block seiken gedan barai with the left arm. Stepping forward 3 times into zenkutsu dachi, lunge forward, attacking with oizuki to chudan level. The final oizuki should be performed in a longer zenkutsu dachi.

Kiai on the third punch, pausing for a few seconds.

Combination 7

The attacker is now coming from 11 o'clock. Look over the left shoulder, and take your front (left) leg round behind you, stepping into horse stance so that both feet are placed along the opponents line of attack. Imagine that the opponent is kicking mae geri, and you are blocking with the open left hand in a downward motion (shuto gedan barai). The right hand is pulled back to the solar plexus, so that it is open, with the palm facing upwards.

Without changing the height of your stance, centralise both feet by bringing your back (right) leg up to your left leg. Continue the motion, stepping through into horse stance with the right leg forward. Block as before, seiken gedan barai with the right hand, the left hand pulled back open, to the solar plexus.

Combination 8

This attacker is symmetrical to the previous opponent. Look over the right shoulder first and then step out on the right leg, into horse stance. Block shuto gedan barai with the right hand, left hand comes back to the hara, palm facing upwards.

It is not necessarry to change the height of your stance from combination 7 into combination 8.

Once again, bring the back (left) left up to your right leg, continue stepping through into horse stance, blocking shuto gedan barai with the left hand, right hand, open and palm upwards, coming back to the solar plexus.

End of Kata

Step the left leg back slightly and then follow back into heisoku dachi with the right leg. Bring the hands back into the yoi position.

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