Pinan Sandan


Combination 1

Looking over the left shoulder, turn into cat stance blocking uchi uke with the left hand. Step the right foot up to the left foot, perform double block (right hand chudan, left hand gedan, both fists closed).

Repeat the double block, this time left hand chudan, right hand gedan

Combination 2

Look over the right shoulder. Step the left leg across and over the right leg, turning into right cat stance, blocking sieken uchi uke with the right hand. Perform the same double block, twice, as in combination 1. This time, the first double block is performed with the right hand blocking gedan, then chudan, and the left hand chudan then gedan.

Combination 3

Look over the left shoulder, step out towards 12 o'clock with the left leg, dropping into cat stance. Once more, block uchi uke with the left hand, fist closed. Stepping into a long zenkutsudachi, with the right leg forward, strike nukite to the opponents solar plexus.

Your attacker now grabs the wrist of your outstretched right hand. Lean your body away into back stance from the attacker, rotating your right hand and pulling tori in towards you.

As you continue to pull your right hand into the small of your back, take your left leg around behind you, stepping into horse stance and striking uraken uchi (backfist strike), then step forward on the right leg, into right zenkutsudachi, punching chudan oizuki.

Kiai on the punch.

Combination 4

Draw the left leg up to the right leg, turning through 180 degrees so that you are now facing towards 6 o'clock. Both fist should be placed on the hips, elbows slightly forward..

Fall forward, stepping the right leg out into horse stance. Keeping both hands on your hips, block across your body with right empi. Strike uraken uchi with the right hand, bringing the hand back to your hip after the strike.

Step forward with the left leg, into left horse stance. Maintaining both hands on hips, block across your body with left empi and strike left uraken uchi, returning the left hand to the hip.

Finally, perform the move one last time, stepping into right horse stance, blocking across the body with right empi. Strike uraken uchi with the right hand, however this time keep the uraken uchi extended.

Rotate the extended right hand through 90 degrees, fist closed, palm facing downwards. Step forward on the left leg, into left zenkutsu dachi, punching oizuki with the left hand.

Combination 5

Bring the right leg up alongside the left leg into heisoku dachi (feet shoulder width). Continue by taking the left leg behind the right leg, turning to face towards 12 o'clock once more. Staying in heisoku dachi, strike empi to the lower rib with the left elbow, and punch over the left shoulder with the right hand. Ensure that you are looking over the left shoulder, at the opponent you have just finished.

Combination 6

Take a wide step out with the right leg, still facing towards 12 o'clock, As the left leg is brought up to shoulder width (by shifting the body to the right) strike empi to the lower rib with the right elbow, punching over the right shoulder with the left hand. Ensure you are looking over your right shoulder, at your opponent.

Kiai on the final punch.

End of Kata

Step forward into yoi, still looking over your right shoulder at your final opponent. As you extend your arms into yoi, bring the head back round to face 12 o'clock.

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