About Me
I am 18 years olad and live in hattiesburg. I attend First Baptist Church of Hattiesburg and I love God.  I have had some family problems but I know how to handle it.  I have red hair and green eyes, and I am 5'6.  I love to play softball and basketball.  I also love to shop and travel.

I plan to go to PRCC and major in Dental Assistants.  I want to be a famous writer one day.  I write poetry and books.  I get it from my mom.

I have three best friends.  Allana and Amy and Ben.  They have always been their for me when I needed someone.  I always shoot pool with these guys.

Whelp That is all I have to say

Peace love Chickens

<>< <>< <>< LINDSEY <>< <>< <><
My Favorite Links:
coolest band
matt's website
Latest christian music
church website
My stuff
Name: Lindsey Stuart
Email: linse_2002@yahoo.com