Welcome to the realm of VuDue.
Explore my world.
As you journey through my world, you'll notice that my interests are varied and my involvement in various activities is not that of your average 30something guy. I haven't been around the world or seen it all, but, I have "been there, and done that". Even got a couple of t-shirts....
Surviving the Flame - In March of 1994, something happened to me that would forever change the lives of my loved ones and myself. This section is dedicated to everyone who knows what it's like to "Survive the Flame".
Paintball - My involvement in Paintball has been sporadic over the past 13 years but it's still one of my passions. Check out my links, words, and other goodies.
The Java Jones - Anyone who knows me can tell you that I'm the ultimate coffee achiever. Browse through the links I've collected that reflect on my love affair with coffee.
The Iron Horse - One of the finest machines ever made is the Harley Davidson motorcycle. Check out this section totally dedicated to the great two wheeled wonders; from Harley's to Indians and lots in between.
The Pub - Beer, darts, music, people...all some of my favorite things. Stop by the PUB and look around or play some java games!
My Adopted Hero - I have adopted an American Hero. Please visit my tribute to John Eugene Bodenschatz, Jr.
RAOK - My dedication page to the RAOK Group. "It only takes 5 minutes a day"
Friends & Family - My friends, family, associates, in-laws and out-laws.
The Twilight Zone - aka Bakersfield, CA. Where I hang my hats.
Favorite Places - Places I like to visit on the net.
Webrings - Webrings that I belong to.