Academic and career
Welcome to my home page!
Taang Apartment #4A at Pittsburgh
Taang Masters
My Gallery
Telecom never die
    You can calle me "Taang". If you have any comment, feel free to let me know.
My Album
Problem? Free Music
I survive by this vendor. Thanks!
Sung Him
My Grandson
        My name is "Him". I'm 8 years old, wanna to be a scientistin the future. Now I have my brother!!
E-Mail address
Click Here!
Let's dance with me!!
MP3 Free music
My favourite guitar
My Factory Business: Stach!!!
         Health Concern Era: click
Projection Clock
$44.99 Projection Clock
Get it NOW!
New Target!!
      Charming Princess!!!
Dakota Apartment
Why don't you send me Birthday postcard?
Love Pooh?
May the force be with you!
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