Hedgie's Angels, Episode Three
Part Three
Meggy: I was under the impression I was going to be working with professionals...
Kit: (snorts) Who lied to you?
(Kit and Meggy glare at each other. Terrance sighs.)
Terrance: (quietly) Must you fight with everyone, Kit?
Kit: I'm not fighting with every-
Jeff: (chipperly) Anyway, I want you two to take her with you-
Kit: (disgusted) What? It's just a freaking Poacher, Jackson! We catch the smarmy little bastard, bam! He's in jail, case closed!
Jeff: Kit... (points to his stomach) Feeling, kay?
Kit: (sighs, V.O.) Kit's Personal Hell has now extended to include Hellish Action Figures, Balloon Animals and Jet-Pump Action! Okay, let me explain a few things. One, I know Meggy. Unfortunately. Two, I'm stuck with her. Jeff has a "gut feeling," which basically means whatever he says he knows he's right in. Yeah, I didn't believe it at first either, but after nearly getting my head chopped off in France... let's just say I'm willing to do whatever he says. But this... damn it, I hate it when life sucks big monkey!
Jeff: Kit, have you been listening?
Kit: (disoriented) Uhhh, no...
Terrance: Don't worry, sir, I have...
Jeff: (smiles) Okay, then. Do a good job, guys!
Kit: Whatever... (leaves the room morosely. Terrance flashes an apologetic smile and follows her.)
(That wonderful lobby from Episode Two. Kit storms in and slumps down in a seat. Terrance comes in behind her, concerned.)
Terrance: You didn't miss much... we're just going to have to go with Meggy around the city for a bit to look for signs of the Poacher... truth be told, I don't like her too much, but we're kinda stuck with her... (a short silence) And... (another pause) I feel kinda helpless.
(Kit slowly brings her head up.)
Kit: How so?
Terrance: Well, it's the first time my computer's been useless. This is what I wanted, but I'm not sure I'm ready for it...
Kit: (smiles and puts a reassuring hand on Terrance's knee) Don't worry... you'll do fine...
(Terrance smiles shyly and a Moment ensues. The Moment is broken, however, when Meggy busts in through the door.)
Meggy: All right, let's not be idle. And Kit, if you screw this up for me I'm going to do such things to you...
Terrance: (blinks) You know each other?
Kit: Yeah, we do. (softly) Far too well.
Meggy: We're leaving.
(They do so.)
Part 2 ... Part 4