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Welcome to the world's last frontier!
Quick Facts: Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a young democratic nation located north of Australia and east of Indonesia and Singapore. PNG has a west minister democratic system of stable government. Population of 5.2 million people that respectively originate from over one thousand native tribes. A total of over 700 distinct native languages are spoken. Pidgin is the national language. English is the formal language for business and education.  About 95 percent of the population live in remote rural areas and engaged in subsistence farming. Literary rate is  4.5 percent. Population growth rate is 2.6 percent. Gross Domestic Product Per Capital is US$1, 260 (1998). Annual national government budget total is US$1 billion (2001). PNG's land size is about one-third larger than the American state of California. Its economy is predominantly export-based. More information on PNG can be accessed via links below:
Tourism Facts: PNG is ranked in the top 20 best eco-tourism destinations in the world. Recent figures show that between 13, 000 and 20, 000 (2001) tourists travel to PNG annually. Tourism industry remains underdeveloped. Variety of eco-adventure activites are offered annually by various in-bound  tour operators. These activities include rainforest trekking, waterfall tours, limestone cave expeditions, river cruises, rough-water rafting, game fishing, coral reef snorkling, scuba diving, village-to-village hikes, cultural festivals and shows, snenic sightseeing, exploration of World War II planes and ships' wreakage sites, bird-watching, local botanical exploration, and discovering un-touched aborignal lifestyles. PNG Tourism Promotion Authority (PNGTPA) and the Ministry of Tourism & Culture help in shaping public policy, development, and promotion of tourism in the country and abroad. Known as "the world's last frontier", PNG remains pristine and untouched despite the incremental changes brought about by modernization. Come, see for yourself, and experience all that is offered in this "land of the unexpected!" More information on PNG can be accessed via links below. If you need specific information, send e-mail to Thank you and Welcome!
Planning on visiting Papua New Guinea?
About 95 percent of Papua New Guineans live in rural villages. For any international traveler to learn and experience what is truely representative of Papua New Guinea is to spend sometime in a rural village setting; interacting with tribal people, exploring natural landscape and diverse vegetation, and participating in diverse cultural activities. Kokop Village Tourism Center, a newly developing tourism facility, provides international guests the opportunity to stay in a remote rural village and get the chance to have a unique village experience. Rainforest walks, village to village hikes, sightseeing tours, cultural shows, and local botany exploration are but some of the many ecotourism activities you can be part of while visiting Kokop Village.  For more detailed information, click here or send e-mail to

"Meri nogut danis"

Prime Minister Sir Mekere

Susupik na buai
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Papua New Guinea Tourism Resources website was created and is maintained by Samson Komati Yuimb, a native of Mt. Hagen in the Western Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea. This site was first created in October 1998. Last updated on November 15, 2001. At the last date of update, a record total of 50, 550 hits was counted. Daily, a total of 100 hits on average are recorded. This site can be found in almost all major search engines worldwide under the URL address: Papua New Guinea Tourism Resource is neither an organization nor agency. It is an individual volunteer project aimed at promoting Papua New Guinea as an ideal ecotourism destination in the world through the magic of the World Wide Web. To obtain specialized information on travel, tourism, and hospitality in PNG, access the the appropriate agencies' or companies via their respective websites presented above. However, should you need my opinion on anything relating to PNG, send me an email at Thanks & God bless you!
Welcome to the World's Last Frontier!
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