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Dear B Team Player,

Just a expeditious note to let you know how I feel at the moment regarding the recent enlightenment. I magnanimously distinguish that the inopportune judgement made by the heretofore ‘el Capitano’ has left the populous in a state of hysterical disarrangement.

While this does affect our steadfastness and possibly, nay - unconditionally, our ebullience to participate in such an classified circumstance I say we FIGHT! We will meet them in the social clubs, we will meet them in the pubs, we will eat their crappy food and we will kick their arse’s in the bridge.

I am sympathetic from the bottom of my boots if you do not facilitate such a sentimentality of contention. Well, no I’m not. So there. I don’t care what you think really.

B Team, B Team - Boing, Boing

B Team, B Team - Boing, Boing

B Team, B Team - Boing, Boing

B Team, B Team - Boing, Boing

B Team, B Team - Boing, Boing

B Team, B Team - Boing, Boing

B Team, B Team - Boing, Boing

B Team, B Team - Boing, Boing

B Team, B Team - Boing, Boing

etc. ad infinitum. (or until we got bored). Or Hoarse. Or something.

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